Summer is on the way
Haven't been there but just on the other side of Batemans Bay is Myrtle Beach. I've only been there once and it's a lovely beach. In the dune shrubs I saw a black snake on the southern end but there were little caves on the north. We were the only ones there at the time and it's beautiful. The drive in was a little bumpy for the car though.
Actually I did take my wife to the Oaks once without letting on about the CO section. We did walk around to the east which was otherwise unattended and found the rock pool but didn't stay long as the water was cold. Before we walked back another guy arrived and stripped off, only to put his suit back on when he saw us in our suits. He was friendly though and chatted to us about the pool as we passed. We went back to the main section so he could remove his suit again in peace. We then went right to the eastern end and sat in a pool there that was getting wash from the ocean. Since the beach was pretty quiet overall and a large rock shields that section my wife didn't mind me shedding my suit while we sat there.