Hello, it's good to see the group back again!

As a new member I decided to make a post befitting this wonderful group.
I'm excited to share the details of the most unforgettable party I've ever attended.

About 12 or 13 years ago, during a period of singledom, my friend Karen and her husband, who operated a hobby winery, invited me to their country house for a unique Saturday night gathering. The theme of the evening was a sophisticated 'dressdown' party, where guests were essentially naked but wearing clothing adorned with hats, stockings, masks, and the like.

Embracing the playful spirit of the event, I decided to embody a feline persona, complete with cat ears, painted whiskers, a luminescent mask, stockings, and heels (with claws on each paw for added charm). As the guests trickled in, numbering around 12 or 14 in total, the atmosphere became increasingly lively, fuelled by the flowing wine.

After indulging in a few glasses, Karen's husband, Bryan, pointed out that my ensemble lacked a tail. To my amusement, he revealed that he had crafted one and was unsure if I'd be open to wearing it. In my slightly inebriated state, I enthusiastically exclaimed, "Bring it out, let's see it!" Bryan emerged with a remarkably realistic tail fashioned from a butt plug, and after a brief demonstration on how to attach it, the room erupted in laughter and encouragement for me to give it a try.

After a hesitant 10 minutes, I decided to embrace the whimsy and agreed to have Bryan fit the tail. The room hushed as he skilfully secured it in place. To heighten the spectacle, Karen emerged with a makeshift collar and lead, transforming the playful atmosphere into a surreal experience. Led around the room on all fours by Karen, I found myself being affectionately petted by the amused guests, even sipping champagne from a bowl to fully commit to the role.

The night took an unexpected turn, with everyone seemingly invested in ensuring my tail fit perfectly. It became an unexpectedly sensual affair, and as the festivities unfolded, I found myself sharing not only the playful antics but also the intimacy of Karen and Bryan's bed. The entire experience, from the laughter-filled tail fitting to the unanticipated bedtime arrangements, made for a truly memorable and, dare I say, sexy night.

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RE:Hello, it's good to see the group back again!

Very intriguing! I guess one could assume you wore the tail well! Live in the moment and make life yours! Awesome story!

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RE:Hello, it's good to see the group back again!

Glad to have you back Kerrie. And glad that you have shared this story in the group (I knew it of course, you had shared it with me before). Great sexy story, I would have liked to be a fly on the wall... Or maybe a participant... I'm sure you wore the tail very well and would love to see you wearing it.

Naked hugs.

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RE:Hello, it's good to see the group back again!

Hi Kerrie, loved the story. I look forward to reading more about your adventures. Thanks for the post.

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Just awesome!!

As a new member I decided to make a post befitting this wonderful group.I'm excited to share the details of the most unforgettable party I've ever attended.About 12 or 13 years ago, during a period of singledom, my friend Karen and her husband, who operated a hobby winery, invited me to their country house for a unique Saturday night gathering. The theme of the evening was a sophisticated 'dressdown' party, where guests were essentially naked but wearing clothing adorned with hats, stockings, masks, and the like.Embracing the playful spirit of the event, I decided to embody a feline persona, complete with cat ears, painted whiskers, a luminescent mask, stockings, and heels (with claws on each paw for added charm). As the guests trickled in, numbering around 12 or 14 in total, the atmosphere became increasingly lively, fuelled by the flowing wine.After indulging in a few glasses, Karen's husband, Bryan, pointed out that my ensemble lacked a tail. To my amusement, he revealed that he had crafted one and was unsure if I'd be open to wearing it. In my slightly inebriated state, I enthusiastically exclaimed, "Bring it out, let's see it!" Bryan emerged with a remarkably realistic tail fashioned from a butt plug, and after a brief demonstration on how to attach it, the room erupted in laughter and encouragement for me to give it a try.After a hesitant 10 minutes, I decided to embrace the whimsy and agreed to have Bryan fit the tail. The room hushed as he skilfully secured it in place. To heighten the spectacle, Karen emerged with a makeshift collar and lead, transforming the playful atmosphere into a surreal experience. Led around the room on all fours by Karen, I found myself being affectionately petted by the amused guests, even sipping champagne from a bowl to fully commit to the role.The night took an unexpected turn, with everyone seemingly invested in ensuring my tail fit perfectly. It became an unexpectedly sensual affair, and as the festivities unfolded, I found myself sharing not only the playful antics but also the intimacy of Karen and Bryan's bed. The entire experience, from the laughter-filled tail fitting to the unanticipated bedtime arrangements, made for a truly memorable and, dare I say, sexy night.

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RE:Hello, it's good to see the group back again!

As a new member I decided to make a post befitting this wonderful group.I'm excited to share the details of the most unforgettable party I've ever attended.About 12 or 13 years ago, during a period of singledom, my friend Karen and her husband, who operated a hobby winery, invited me to their country house for a unique Saturday night gathering. The theme of the evening was a sophisticated 'dressdown' party, where guests were essentially naked but wearing clothing adorned with hats, stockings, masks, and the like.Embracing the playful spirit of the event, I decided to embody a feline persona, complete with cat ears, painted whiskers, a luminescent mask, stockings, and heels (with claws on each paw for added charm). As the guests trickled in, numbering around 12 or 14 in total, the atmosphere became increasingly lively, fuelled by the flowing wine.After indulging in a few glasses, Karen's husband, Bryan, pointed out that my ensemble lacked a tail. To my amusement, he revealed that he had crafted one and was unsure if I'd be open to wearing it. In my slightly inebriated state, I enthusiastically exclaimed, "Bring it out, let's see it!" Bryan emerged with a remarkably realistic tail fashioned from a butt plug, and after a brief demonstration on how to attach it, the room erupted in laughter and encouragement for me to give it a try.After a hesitant 10 minutes, I decided to embrace the whimsy and agreed to have Bryan fit the tail. The room hushed as he skilfully secured it in place. To heighten the spectacle, Karen emerged with a makeshift collar and lead, transforming the playful atmosphere into a surreal experience. Led around the room on all fours by Karen, I found myself being affectionately petted by the amused guests, even sipping champagne from a bowl to fully commit to the role.The night took an unexpected turn, with everyone seemingly invested in ensuring my tail fit perfectly. It became an unexpectedly sensual affair, and as the festivities unfolded, I found myself sharing not only the playful antics but also the intimacy of Karen and Bryan's bed. The entire experience, from the laughter-filled tail fitting to the unanticipated bedtime arrangements, made for a truly memorable and, dare I say, sexy night.

What a fabulous story Kerrie, great to have you aboard the merry ship ENL...

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RE:Hello, it's good to see the group back again!

Fun/Sexy story Kerrie! Thanks for sharing!

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RE:Hello, it's good to see the group back again!

Thank you Kerrie. A great story, beautifully written.

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RE:Hello, it's good to see the group back again!

Yes Kerri, thats a very Intriguing story. I bet it was fun to be involved with a group of people that much. Congratulations.

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RE:Hello, it's good to see the group back again!

What I would really want to know is how you took the decision to share Karen and Bryan's bed after the party. Of course the wine and the arousal of the party helped. But was it a difficult decision? Did you or they have previous experience with trios? It looks like you enjoyed it and look back with pleasure, but were there any hard feelings immediately after?

I confess that I was not often temped to share another couple's bed, but I did have to decide several times whether or not to accept another girl in ours. And I feel it's one of those damn if you do, damn if you don't decision... Ok, let's not exaggerate, it's just sex, but still, you will likely have some afterthoughts...

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RE:Hello, it's good to see the group back again!

It was a combination of wine, excitement, and the group dynamics of an enthusiastic, inebriated audience. I must admit that I initiated the tryst.

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