Melbourne Bromance

Any other guys in Melbourne Australia who have a bromance going? One of my best mates and i have been buds for 16 or so years and we have a bromance for sure. Even talking about our feelings and our friendship excites me. Sitting together and sharing is so intimate. Holding hands, hugging and cuddling.. buddy showers together, laughs and jokes and deep and meaningfuls! I think about our friendship and my heart beats fast and if I know he's coming over, again, my heart thumps hard in my chest. Any other Melbourne guys the same? I think we're lucky to have found each other and have someone to really confide in and be totally open with. Would be great to know if there are any other Melbourne guys who are the same. Imagine a little group get together! WOW!

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RE:Melbourne Bromance

That sounds very similar to a buddy bromance I have with a great mate that I hold very dearly to me.
It definitely is great to have a mate that you can confide in and share everything with.

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RE:Melbourne Bromance

That's fantastic. Good for you. I hope you and your bromance bud can be totally open together like I am with mine. Somehow it just adds to the fun and affection, telling each other how we feel, even if it feels slightly embarrassing. Even that is hot. Sometimes I feel like really opening about about feelings to see how far I can push myself and to see what my bromance bud's reactions will be. He's always really cool with it though and seems to really enjoy it. We love goofing off in the nude and doing things for laughs, making fun of each other and of ourselves while naked. For me that;s a massive part of our fun and enjoyment and bonding. I admit sometimes I would like to share more thoughts and feelings though. I wonder if he feels the same, seeing how far he can push himself to share more with me. Sounds like you're lucky as well to have a buddy you can really share things with and relate to and just share the great enjoyment of being naked buds together. I'd love to hear more. Quite inspiring.

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