
I used to first take portrait shots of my models. Just as a warmup exercise, I would ask them to pose, fully dressed, for head shots before discarding their clothes. But there was this tension in the room. We all knew that the model would afterwards take everything off, and she knew it as well. Undressing in front of two, sometimes three dressed people for the first time may be a bit daunting so the girls were a bit stiff and treated this phase as what it was, a warmup drill.

Then I decided to change this and ask them to take everything off from the very beginning and first worked on portraits. There is something in most of these portraits which I find very attractive. A bit of surprise, a bit of shyness, a bit of arousal, a bit of insecurity, a bit of teasing... Lips become plumper and irises enlarge (as I don't use strobes I can't get those huge irises you see in magazines so enlarged irises are a huge plus for me)...

And unsurprisingly, these are also the portraits my models love best. I mostly frame to include the breasts and then can crop as needed. You can only include the shoulders and they become classic portraits without the intrusion of clothes, you can cut just above the nipples and imply nudity without revealing it... Three of my models have chosen these pics for their social sites' profile pics, and all have chosen this last cut, just above the nipples. And they look absolutely sweet.

So I guess nude portraits are the way to go from now on. And I love those portraits. Although of course I know that what you guys want is just open legs...

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I am truly glad that your models enjoy your efforts and clearly demonstrate so by their aforementioned use. To use your work as a public presentation of themselves is a genuine indicator of your professionalism & experience. Thats one of the best rewards you could ever have received. And as an adder, I do enjoy your posted pictures; I really appreciate your efforts to show / share the entire lady. The view of the entire *flower* is so much more beautiful than focusing on a specific *petal*. Please dont sell all of us guys so short . . . figuratively, that is. ;-)

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As shown in this group many times, obscured nudity is certainly wonderful in its own right and allows other lovely attributes to come to the fore.

I like how taking a different approach to the shoot has brought such great results. Always good to keep looking for improvements and finding better ways.

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