Truenudists site content update in the blogs
I am unsure what you are refering to? BLOGS in the BLOGS tab are available to everyone, Certified or not.
You might be referring to something else, I'm not sure? Users can post their own blogs and they can specify them for only Certified users.
TT2 . . . there is now a badge on the bottom of the Home screen saying 100% Spam free. I suspect you're referring to either safe to use credit card sales or something similar. Is that the case? Is that also part of your new naming convention restriction efforts or was that just part of the overall program? If it's security, it is certainly welcome. Do they offer 'Bot' protection, too? I'd chip in an extra dollar or two for that option. =-)
When I pick on the blog, it says access is limited to certified users.
The blog - "Profile's section inappropriate content"
When I pick on it, this is what I see
"This area is for certified users only, you are either not logged in, or have not been certified yet.
Return to main forum"
Same thing here
"Word Purge"
When I pick on the blog, it says access is limited to certified users.
The blog - "Profile's section inappropriate content"
When I pick on it, this is what I see
"This area is for certified users only, you are either not logged in, or have not been certified yet.
Return to main forum"
I just tested your account sunkissedlb and was able to see the blog post fine. I am really confused as to what issue you are having.
Is anyone else unCertified having this issue?