Mod on the door for the group?

Our group is currently "instant access" so everyone is able to join... ENL was a small group of members, not saying many were active, but the numbers were limited and inactivity eventually got you removed... should the same rules apply to ENF as well? Interested in any active member feedback.

When I mentioned this I didn't think it would result in me being kicked out of the group... please let me back in!!

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RE:Mod on the door for the group?

I totally agree; the few, the proud, the elegant. Keep all the lurkers at bay & somewhere else!

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RE:Mod on the door for the group?

I agree with Astair123. Jeanne, please assist with this. Frogett

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RE:Mod on the door for the group?

ENL has been a special group. I was kind of proud to be a member. Every morning I got my coffee, few sips later. The laptop opened to see what was the discussion.

Most groups only get maybe two subjects going. And those were not always interesting. But hearing what a lady asked us or even told us about was very interesting !

I hope things never change. But if they do I hope another lady steps up to help. This is not an easy thing to be in charge of, keeping everyone active and engaged in those subjects. I know I have said this before but.

Thank you for sharing this with everyone. Many hugs !

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