What's on everyone's mind?

Where is Flora hiding? Is on mine.

Those from the old TN group will no doubt know of FloraT those new here probably won't... Flora made the old ENL what is was, also probably was the reason it was removed as she pushed the bounderies everyday... I miss her though and hope she'll return one day and tell us her stories.

The one that sticks most in my mind was when she pretended to be a computer virus, a few were fooled by her jest and even quit the group..! She kept the pretence going for a week! Ahhh happy times.

Good to see new members and those who are new posting great photos.

Many thanks to Mary Anne and Jeanne
Richie... x

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RE:What's on everyone's mind?

We do miss Flora. Her thought-provoking and fun stories and topics made the ENL site and our days a bit more exciting and interesting. Frogett aka Mary Anne

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RE:What's on everyone's mind?

I suspect that Flora is quite annoyed with the site and its often sporadic behavior. It cant decide exactly how everyone is supposed to behave, the limits for *inapproriate* photographs and whether or not their payment processor will be happy. Add all the afore with a frequent complete loss of common sense makes some folks, me included, want to pull their hair out. Our best bet is to press on and make this group the best we can make it. Weve got new contributors with very nice photos and a few new members; I think it can be phenomenal. Flora will be perusing us in the future and I am sure would enjoy contributing. But in the meantime, well press on & enjoy ourselves. Anyone else care to chime in?

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RE:What's on everyone's mind?

I totally agree. I too think Flora will be back, at least I sure hope so. Mornings just are not the same any more, are they? Yes, fellow contributing members, we need to make things interesting. Please chip in with responses and nice comments on the pics. Or even a story of your own. Or a topic of interest. That will keep us going. Frogett aka Mary Anne

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