Blocked for daring to say hello.

I'd imagined that TN was primarily created as a social network platform for nudists, the emphasis on the words "social" and "nudist".

On this platform we encounter all manner of people, some are nice and nudist, some are nice but not really nudist and some aren't that nice, not really our "cup of tea". Some are plain horrible people, nude or dressed!

I carry the unfortunate sigma of being seen as a "single male" as such I am often discriminated against and pooled in a group of undesirable people... for my money, for what it's worth, I speak (or block) as I find... I'll ignore those who just aren't my cup of tea, and block those I find to be horrible people, not too many, and I connect (or try) to those on my wave length.

I would like to say to those who state on their profile "no single men" be aware that when you invite that "couple" they will, 90% of the time, be a horrible hiding single male, same goes for the "female" you invite in... there are wonderful exceptions of course... some couples are really couples and simply delightful, some females are indeed female.

But some single men are great folk too, and to discriminate against an entire social section of the TN network is a little harsh and perhaps shortsighted.

I received a "block" for simply saying hello and welcoming a couple to the group, that wasn't very sociable really.

Get to know people first, whoever they are, you might just enjoy the conversation. If you don't like them, hit block.

Richie x

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RE:Blocked for daring to say hello.

Oh Richie I totally agree with you and acknowledge your take on this subject! Single men are not evil simply because they are single. And the rest of what you say is so true. People, please think about this. Yes. I am married and Froggy (Don) is my husband. But if he were a single male, he would not by that title be evil. Frogett aka Mary Anne

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RE:Blocked for daring to say hello.

Sorry to hear, its not fair !
At the resorts they discriminate against single males also. I think its more of a history thing than a personal issue. Even here I am lucky to have Marie as my wife and a nudist. Not all wives are nudists. I am not sure if the same resorts I have been to with her. Would allow me to go in as a single male.

But maybe thats another reason a mens only clubs were created. But they had to allow women to come in and change what had worked so far. Not saying that was a bad thing but it was a place to go. YMCA and the YWCA were created for young men and women. Its something from history that is no longer understood. Why they were created ?

I think and believe that we should never judge people before we know them. We are nudists and we except everyone from the first moment of seeing them as a nudist. We judge people, who are not nudists when we are nude. To see if we are going to be shamed by them. Marie and I are always saying hi to singles, because we want them to enjoy life also. Plus Marie knows single women. Lol

For me I have found you to be very interesting and very intelligent person. Never had a problem with you.

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RE:Blocked for daring to say hello.

Sorry to hear, its not fair !At the resorts they discriminate against single males also. I think its more of a history thing than a personal issue. Even here I am lucky to have Marie as my wife and a nudist. Not all wives are nudists. I am not sure if the same resorts I have been to with her. Would allow me to go in as a single male.But maybe thats another reason a mens only clubs were created. But they had to allow women to come in and change what had worked so far. Not saying that was a bad thing but it was a place to go. YMCA and the YWCA were created for young men and women. Its something from history that is no longer understood. Why they were created ?I think and believe that we should never judge people before we know them. We are nudists and we except everyone from the first moment of seeing them as a nudist. We judge people, who are not nudists when we are nude. To see if we are going to be shamed by them. Marie and I are always saying hi to singles, because we want them to enjoy life also. Plus Marie knows single women. LolFor me I have found you to be very interesting and very intelligent person. Never had a problem with you.

Thanks Jim, definitely a case of the few spoiling or for the many! Or maybe the other way round!

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RE:Blocked for daring to say hello.

Richie, we all have experienced this. There is a trend among us to group with others of like mind. Even though I am married, my profile shows me as a single male, unless you read it. Not all single or otherwise males are wrong members; not all are good members, either. There are a lot of users here who don't understand the meaning of being a nudist and, therefore, cast a shadow of doubt on all of us.
I have enjoyed having various "friends" both single and couples. After a month or so, you will find out if they are worthy of remaining friends. For me, if I don't have some interaction with them, I move on; I have never blocked someone yet!
I also found it took more work to participate in male-only resorts; however, most will give you one chance to prove yourself, as I have found, and now I am accepted. When you behave nicely others will have nothing to complain about.
I agree that some of the most unlikely people have become my closest TN friends!

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