Wearing tattoos in the nude

When nude in some young places like Sinsheim I am one of the very few persons who has zero tattoos. D also has none (but would be ready to get some if I wanted him to). I have nothing against tattoos but I would have a hard time finding one which I want to wear for the rest of my life. Plus, all the process, getting needles and ink in my skin, then seeing them fading out as I grow old...

That being said, I do agree that some tattoos are nice. Rough ones on a muscular male back, shoulder or arm, cute ones on a nice female skin... So during these latest holidays I decided to experiment with fake tattoos and see what gives.

I started timidly with two nice little ones on my belly and above my butt, then I added one on my shoulder, then thigh, then butt... By the end of the ten days I was actually quite seriously tattooed. Not heavily enough to look as if I'm wearing some camouflage overall, but still there where seven I think, of which a couple quite big.

Obviously, tattoos are statements and they also show a bit your artistic taste. Another reason not to get one, I don't want to wear statements, be they political or fashion, on my skin, I hardly ever even wear the wedding ring. But more than everything else, tattoos attract attention. Especially when nude.

When wearing a swimsuit, people will look, but not for too long. Conversely, when wearing nothing but tattoos, people (well, men mainly) seem to believe that the 2-second rule is suspended and most will feel entitled too look for as long as they see fit. I think I do understand the thinking process behind. Tattoos are interpreted as a call for attention I guess. People who wear them have not gone through that painful and irreversible process just to admire themselves in the mirror when they take a shower, but for the other to admire them, so looking at them is fair game. So if indeed tattoos are a call for attention, admiring them is simply paying our respect to their owner. And this may very well be true, as it seems (at least this is my impression) that tattooed persons look for longer and more unashamedly than non tattooed people.

There is also the famous plausible deniability at play here. No, I'm not looking at your but, I'm just trying to understand if that tattoo just above it is actually a sylised eagle or just an Aztec impression. No, I'm not looking at your pussy, I am just admiring that little rose you so nicely placed near your pubis...

So how did I feel as a tattooed nudist lady? Honestly, a bit exposed. Now, I have been a nudist for seven years and I am used to the fact that my big body attracts attention. Women's bodies do that, it's part of our evolution and I'm a tall blonde so such is life. But being tattooed felt like I'm on a stage and everybody feels entitled to look. I was also, exceptionally, the only tattooed lady around - there were a couple younger ladies who had small, discrete ones too, but that was all.

Funnily, I don't have this feeling when I am wearing elegant stuff in the nude. A bit of heels, a nice hat, elegant sunglasses, a waist chain or a very see-through veil... People will look, but not so openly and for so long. I guess I got used to it and I would also get used to the new form of attention which tattoos bring.

And tatoos do attract attention also when (elegantly/sexily) dressed. Wear a nice elegant and very short dress or skirt and a tattoo on your upper thigh and everybody will look at your legs, you can feel their gaze on your lower body following you as if they are hoping to see some clothing accident with that barely-there-dress (the feeling is so present you almost feel onliged to offer them a skirt mishap to not disappoint)... Wear a see-through or a crop top and everybody will seem to be fascinated by that tattoo on your chest, just above or under your boobs... And yes, knowing that I was wearing those tattoos made me a bit bolder than usual in the intensity of my makeup, the sexiness of my outfits, the way I kept and moved my body.,,

So did I enjoy it? Not really honestly, it seemed a bit to histrionic for my taste. Could I get used to it? Sure, I got used to being nude in public, I can get used to wearing a few tattoos. So why did I continue to add tatoos on my skin? First, because D seemed to like to have a nudist tattooed blonde at his side. Not getting into details here, but he clearly enjoyed my experiment. Second, because this is what it was: an experiment and I wanted to bring it to Ys planned end. Third, I understand now why some people just can't stop getting tattoos until they look bizarre, there is an addiction phenomenon, and once you put a nice tattoo on your skin you will always find a nicer one, a more expressive one, something you will want on another part of your skin...

But I'll have to stop this post now because shops are finally open today after the X-mas break and I have a small tattoo place not far and I want to make that cute little flower I wore on my pubis for a week permanent... Or should I?

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RE:Wearing tattoos in the nude

A great report, as always, Flora. Like you, I can be intrigued by the designs worn by others without wanting them on myself or my nearest and dearest, and wondering how long it shall take before that intricate design becomes a splodge of colour.

Your other findings are 'suspicions confirmed'. They are there to be looked at and admired, so there's licence for others to do so. They are there to be looked at, so you, as a wearer (exhibitor?) must crave, or at least be accepting of, the additional attention. The inability to resist further additions to the collection...

Oooh, I'm starting to see some parallels with my rings, except they're for myself. Honest...

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RE:Wearing tattoos in the nude

When nude in some young places like Sinsheim I am one of the very few persons who has zero tattoos. D also has none (but would be ready to get some if I wanted him to). I have nothing against tattoos but I would have a hard time finding one which I want to wear for the rest of my life. Plus, all the process, getting needles and ink in my skin, then seeing them fading out as I grow old...That being said, I do agree that some tattoos are nice. Rough ones on a muscular male back, shoulder or arm, cute ones on a nice female skin... So during these latest holidays I decided to experiment with fake tattoos and see what gives.I started timidly with two nice little ones on my belly and above my butt, then I added one on my shoulder, then thigh, then butt... By the end of the ten days I was actually quite seriously tattooed. Not heavily enough to look as if I'm wearing some camouflage overall, but still there where seven I think, of which a couple quite big.Obviously, tattoos are statements and they also show a bit your artistic taste. Another reason not to get one, I don't want to wear statements, be they political or fashion, on my skin, I hardly ever even wear the wedding ring. But more than everything else, tattoos attract attention. Especially when nude.When wearing a swimsuit, people will look, but not for too long. Conversely, when wearing nothing but tattoos, people (well, men mainly) seem to believe that the 2-second rule is suspended and most will feel entitled too look for as long as they see fit. I think I do understand the thinking process behind. Tattoos are interpreted as a call for attention I guess. People who wear them have not gone through that painful and irreversible process just to admire themselves in the mirror when they take a shower, but for the other to admire them, so looking at them is fair game. So if indeed tattoos are a call for attention, admiring them is simply paying our respect to their owner. And this may very well be true, as it seems (at least this is my impression) that tattooed persons look for longer and more unashamedly than non tattooed people.There is also the famous plausible deniability at play here. No, I'm not looking at your but, I'm just trying to understand if that tattoo just above it is actually a sylised eagle or just an Aztec impression. No, I'm not looking at your pussy, I am just admiring that little rose you so nicely placed near your pubis...So how did I feel as a tattooed nudist lady? Honestly, a bit exposed. Now, I have been a nudist for seven years and I am used to the fact that my big body attracts attention. Women's bodies do that, it's part of our evolution and I'm a tall blonde so such is life. But being tattooed felt like I'm on a stage and everybody feels entitled to look. I was also, exceptionally, the only tattooed lady around - there were a couple younger ladies who had small, discrete ones too, but that was all.Funnily, I don't have this feeling when I am wearing elegant stuff in the nude. A bit of heels, a nice hat, elegant sunglasses, a waist chain or a very see-through veil... People will look, but not so openly and for so long. I guess I got used to it and I would also get used to the new form of attention which tattoos bring.And tatoos do attract attention also when (elegantly/sexily) dressed. Wear a nice elegant and very short dress or skirt and a tattoo on your upper thigh and everybody will look at your legs, you can feel their gaze on your lower body following you as if they are hoping to see some clothing accident with that barely-there-dress (the feeling is so present you almost feel onliged to offer them a skirt mishap to not disappoint)... Wear a see-through or a crop top and everybody will seem to be fascinated by that tattoo on your chest, just above or under your boobs... And yes, knowing that I was wearing those tattoos made me a bit bolder than usual in the intensity of my makeup, the sexiness of my outfits, the way I kept and moved my body.,,So did I enjoy it? Not really honestly, it seemed a bit to histrionic for my taste. Could I get used to it? Sure, I got used to being nude in public, I can get used to wearing a few tattoos. So why did I continue to add tatoos on my skin? First, because D seemed to like to have a nudist tattooed blonde at his side. Not getting into details here, but he clearly enjoyed my experiment. Second, because this is what it was: an experiment and I wanted to bring it to Ys planned end. Third, I understand now why some people just can't stop getting tattoos until they look bizarre, there is an addiction phenomenon, and once you put a nice tattoo on your skin you will always find a nicer one, a more expressive one, something you will want on another part of your skin...But I'll have to stop this post now because shops are finally open today after the X-mas break and I have a small tattoo place not far and I want to make that cute little flower I wore on my pubis for a week permanent... Or should I?

I also like to see a tastefully tattooed lady, some are simply exquisite, the tattoos are nice too!

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RE:Wearing tattoos in the nude

No permanent tattoos for me. Temporary ones if I want to make a statement to people I care about, but I like to remain invisible to people I do not know or care about, even when nude. I want to make no statement at all to these people.

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RE:Wearing tattoos in the nude

As a child growing up in the south, tattoos were something that drunken sailors delved in while in far away places. They were almost always some variant of an anchor, ship, heart or the like. Almost like Jimmy Buffet's song. By the time I saw them, they were always warn, faded & haggardly looking. It obviously didn't age well. Then, some years ago, it became trendy. I don't know why but it did. I have seen few that were quite nice but more often far too excessive. Some folks look like the right front fender of a stock car during a NASCAR race. Way, way overdone. But the choice is up to the individual, it's their canvas. As for the end product, some might look good as in a flaming style 30s five window coupe but never on a Rolls Royce; which category do you fit?

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RE:Wearing tattoos in the nude

I feel as though our collective chains are being yanked by lovely Flora here, but in the off chance that I'm wrong, NO, don't go permanent! But if you do invite the ink, it won't cause me to stop looking ~

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RE:Wearing tattoos in the nude

Its always the the person who makes the choice. Where to put it and what should it be. Thats always been my experience. Why that ink ? Why there ? Are you saying something ? Is it going to be a statement about your life ? Hmmm

Marie and I for years loved the idea of temporary tattoos. Oh we had fun with them. Even included other people wearing them. But always said that they were not for us. But then came an anniversary day years ago. Her big surprise was flowers on her pubic bone area. Its not small. She was so proud of it ! Well some of her life choices are surprising to me. I thought she would not ever get one. And thought they were not for us. Well big surprise to me ! !

Now when her hair grows out a little, the flower is kind of funny looking. I never liked it and still dont. But that was her choice. I guess it was a response to me starting to wear genitalia jewelry. I told her she could have gotten a piercing instead. And if she didnt like it just stop wearing it. But the tattoo is always going to be there. Always going to fade more.

Oh its my opinion and that should not matter to her. It was her choice !

If D and you want to look at for ever after then its your bodies and no one can say differently.

But I believe that ever person is so beautiful the way they are ! A tattoo is a scar saying something about there lives

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RE:Wearing tattoos in the nude

I have 3 tattoos, one is in remembrance of my father, the second is in remembrance of my little girl, and the last is for shits and giggles. As for locations, one is on upper left arm, two is over my heart, and the last is right above the genitals. They do fade and you can get them touched up if you like or let them go. I would like to get 3 more, one in remembrance of my mother and the last two for my siblings. Thought and said I'd never get one or put a hole in my body that wasn't supposed to be but lo and behold, I have both now.

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RE:Wearing tattoos in the nude

I say it's your choice. I would choose the temporary one, knowing I could wash it off if needed. For some strange reason, I have never felt the need for the initial pain and painted jewelry. Most do this for attention. One in the pubis area would certainly provide that!

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RE:Wearing tattoos in the nude

The pubis area doesn't need much help to attract attention and a tattoo would only legitimise it, offering guys a pretext to look for longer. Guys are funny, we may spend time with them in the nude, they can't relax until they see "it".

We converted two younger couples to nudism during our holidays and we spent almost all the time together. The two guys had seen me naked for more than a day and they were still throwing hidden glances... I had to find reasons to open my legs more than usual and let them see "me" entirely and only then they started to look me in the eyes when we spoke. Not sure how your thought process goes, guys, but it looks like our natural positions, say laying on the beach with legs open only at 10-15 degrees, enough to expose every bit of skin to the sun (and to your view actually) is not enough. But I'm generalising excessively here, I'm sure guys of this group only look in the eyes of newly met nudist ladies and never at their nether regions...

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RE:Wearing tattoos in the nude

The pubis area doesn't need much help to attract attention and a tattoo would only legitimise it, offering guys a pretext to look for longer. Guys are funny, we may spend time with them in the nude, they can't relax until they see "it".We converted two younger couples to nudism during our holidays and we spent almost all the time together. The two guys had seen me naked for more than a day and they were still throwing hidden glances... I had to find reasons to open my legs more than usual and let them see "me" entirely and only then they started to look me in the eyes when we spoke. Not sure how your thought process goes, guys, but it looks like our natural positions, say laying on the beach with legs open only at 10-15 degrees, enough to expose every bit of skin to the sun (and to your view actually) is not enough. But I'm generalising excessively here, I'm sure guys of this group only look in the eyes of newly met nudist ladies and never at their nether regions...

I don't know Flora, you ladies have such lovely nether regions, some admiration seems only fair really, and if there's a tattoo in the region of the nether that too requires an appropriate amount of attention commensurate with the effort of the application, then, frankly, it'll be rude not to admire.

Appreciative Richie x

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