Had to create a new group

My previous group of the same name got deleted with the new site upgrades. This group is a replacement for that group. Sorry all the other discussions are gone. We'll have to start new ones.

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RE:Had to create a new group

Hi Andy, I tried signing up for your new Naked Sleeping Group but i get a 'Invalid token' message. Any idea why?

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RE:Had to create a new group

I'll check it again. I would have automatically approved you joining.

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RE:Had to create a new group

Thanks for sorting it out Andy.

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RE:Had to create a new group

Thanks for starting the group again. Can't recall the topics from the old group, except for maybe when any of us started.

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RE:Had to create a new group

That whole change with a provider/server/upgrade ???, really screwed things up here. I lost 3 or 4 groups entirely. I had to start them all over. Lost some good members and some good conversations. I'll try and get some new ones going again.

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