Group Contributors or Joiners: which are you?
That title (Contributors or Joiners)may be a little direct but j u s t maybe someone will think about it. This whole forum exists to bring nudists together from all over the planet. As you peruse the different forum posts, look over the multitudes of groups, opine on a blog or just visit Chat to view who*s where & doing what, you get a huge cross section of nudists from around the globe. Theres every type of background, nationality or origin that you may or may not have known existed, all for your review. And, they are there because someone put forth the effort to type 5 to 25 to 50 or so words into a coherent post. It doesnt take a lot to author a short blurb & tell the rest of the readers ( online nudists like yourself) whats going on & keep up the interest. The afore is where we should be but not anywhere close to our current location. Ok . . . I get it, wheres the beef? Here it is; a person just joined a group that hopefully appealed to them as similar type folks to converse & share their nudist journey & adventure. Sounds good doesnt it? Heres the reality, they had joined almost 40 groups in the last 30 days with ZERO contributions. Thats not an asset but a liability. Weve got enough liabilities, try harder to be an asset.
THAT is one of the biggest reasons I won't allow some people to join my groups. I don't care about pictures. I don't care about how many friends you have. I see how many groups you are a member of and how often you contribute to the discussions in groups and on the forum. I look for quality of contribution to discussions and not just an "I agree, me too,.." There are way too many people wanting to join my groups just to look at the pictures in the group gallery.
I also get a few guys, one in particular, that ONLY wants to post pictures of his naked self. The thing is, he will post several at one time of himself in the same dang pose, over and over again. How many naked pics of yourself chopping wood, gathering wood, cleaning your yard, do you need?
I've joined a couple of new groups in the past several years. I have enough to keep me busy with contributions within my own groups I Mod. I had three groups lost in this recent site upgrade. Though they weren't very active, they were at least active. Now all the contributions, the photos members and I uploaded, are all gone, and I had to start new groups with similar names. So far, many of the members that were once members of the old group, have not found the new group.
I try to only join groups where I think I can make a meaningful contribution to the conversation. Usually it works that way, occasionally it doesn't. I have been dropped from a few groups for polotely expressing an opinion that moderator didn't agree with. I thought that the idea behind groups was to exchange ideas, not be in agreement with everything that the moderator says.
I had been contributing to ENL some when Flora posed topics I felt comfortable getting into. I have posted pics there, and in a few coffee groups. This is Frogett. Over the years Froggy and I have joined many groups. But in time we drop our activity. Time to purge a bit. It takes time and effort to do that. Please consider us active. I love TN. Frogett aka Mary Anne
I do try to contribute but mainly to ENL or groups that look good, many are quiet and inactive much of the time.
I do feel some folk just join/ collect group memberships with little intention of contribution in any way, I wonder at the motivation for joining, don't really get it, but then I too am inactive in some groups. Early spring clean of group memberships I think.
I definitely try to contribute where I can. I was surprised how many groups I'm a member of, but that's okay.
If I haven't already seen a thread via friends' posts appearing in my feed, I'll usually find it by selecting My Groups and sorting by recent activity then opening each one until I reach where I left off.
I'll occasionally look in the general groups area and perhaps pick up a new group or be alerted to its existence because someone in my timeline has engaged with it. Once joined I'll usually sweep through the existing topics, at least a little.
So there's probably heaps of moribund groups I'm a member of it doesn't matter if they reside at the end of my list. If they get updated, they'll bounce back to the top and I'll see it and perhaps contribute.
If I think of a new topic, I'll try to find a suitable group I can add it to with perhaps a preference for the active ones.
My approach to the forum is similar: enter, sort by activity, open, perhaps post. They are less convenient as each ooens to page one rather than the last page which is extra work. Nicer in the groups where the most recent posts can be accessed by directly jumping to the last page.
I do try to contribute but mainly to ENL or groups that look good, many are quiet and inactive much of the time.I do feel some folk just join/ collect group memberships with little intention of contribution in any way, I wonder at the motivation for joining, don't really get it, but then I too am inactive in some groups. Early spring clean of group memberships I think.Richie.
One reason might be to view the photos.
I also think that some people with hundreds of friends add them for that reason.
...........One reason might be to view the photos.
Yes this site seems to only about viewing photos because what else is here? Yet, the net is full of naked photos and so why come here? Most long term members who did contribute have left this site. Only a few remain. This site seems to be about women (real or fake) who have few if any photos posted and who say and contribute nothing to any conversation. At most you may get a "HI" before you never hear from them again. Yet their profiles may say how they are so interested in chatting with other nudists - total nonsense! Women (both real and fake) are indeed bombarded with creepy guys who never contribute to any conversation because they are too interested in making sexual comments to these women. As for groups, most just join and then never contribute anything to the group. Who needs such groups? So that is the site now in a nutshell - a few legit nudist guys left who carry the site. The rest...........
Being a TN member for eight years, I have learned that only some groups remain active. Friend requests are primarily from young females looking to make a living here.
I classify myself as a contributor. I keep my groups to a minimum that spark my interest, around eight or so. Friends have come and gone; most usually disappear shortly after viewing my photos, never to be heard from again.
I tend to contact friends randomly if I have not heard from them or see a post in my feed to react to.
I enjoy conversing with most as long as it is of interest.
I have posted a photo in select groups and given lovely, deserving comments on others' photography efforts.
I agree with Andy; there seems to be one in particular who cannot get enough of himself posting photos in multiple groups.
I do enjoy interacting with most of you who have answered this post, in groups or otherwise.
Deleting friends and groups is an ongoing process of inactivity. Eventually, I will find one that works. I agree with Mary Anne; over the past year, ENL, which underwent significant changes recently, has been one of my favorites with stirring subjects and stunning photographs. Thanks to Richie for attempting to keep it active.
Although I try to be both, sometimes there is simply nothing to say or it's already been said. The series of "me too" or "I agree" is not contributing anything and I c ertainly avoid that. Is there a "participation tax" on being in a group? How does not participating become a liability? If we post in order to contribute, great. If we "listen" in order to learn, is that wrong? If some troll sees pictures that others have openly posted, is that a problem? I do get annoyed with the postings that are of a 20- or 30-something female with pictures that came off the web, likely a porn site, with a Google chat address and a "desire to make friends" (read: make money from unsuspecting dupes) - even these are easy to spot and not a true "liability" (i.e., it doesn't cost me anything, as long as I dont send Apple cards). Can we simply chill and enjoy the comments from "true nudists" while ignoring the posers?
I'll admit I have joined a for number of groups, mostly ones I have an interest in but I'm disappointed sometimes when I find that the last post was several years previously. If a group is no longer used can it be deleted by TN. If no one is visiting a group I see little value in creating a post. In active groups I read all the posts and given that someone has taken the trouble to contribute I try in lots of instances to join the thread with a comment if it is only agreeing. The same for photos within the group, anyone that has posted an image is a contributor, why then is it that many images have in excess of 100 views but not one comment, does it really hurt to make a comment?