New Years Resolution

Although I sleep nude during the warmer months, we keep the heat low during the winter so I wear PJs in the colder months (other than when at a hotel where I can turn the heat up a little). We usually spend New Years Eve at the Solair nude dinner and dance but this year we couldnt get a dog sitter so we had a nude night at home. I went to bed nude and didnt feel cold at all so my resolution is to extend my nude sleeping to 366 nights this year.

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RE:New Years Resolution

We've been nude sleepers since our wedding night. New Year's Resolution would be to actually get more naked sleep at night. Going through some health issues and am working on getting healthier and getting a long, good nights sleep! haha

We sleep naked 365 days a year, no matter where we are. It was once tricky when spending the night under the same roof with family but we still managed. Nowadays, we assess the situation and if needed, we get a hotel room close by so we don't have to deal with being discreet.

My wife likes the house cold. We have to compromise and in Winter and colder Fall days, we keep the inside of the house at 68 in the early morning and don't have the heater on at night. It's currently 62 in the house and I'm in a robe until my wife wakes up, turns on the heater and I can take it off.

I never liked or wore PJ's. My wife didn't like nightgowns. I preferred wearing just underwear and she said she would have preferred just wearing panties to bed as well. Not sure why parents force their kids to wear something to bed that makes them feel uncomfortable. We remembered that and let our girls wear what they wanted to bed.

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RE:New Years Resolution

I sleep nude all of the time. In the winter months, the sheets on the bed are cold since we keep the temperature in the house a little cool. I jump into bed and move around for a few minutes while reading to warm up the sheets before trying to go to sleep. It seems to work. The bed has a blanket and comforter so staying warm is not a problem. I would much rather be sleeping in the tropics during the winter, but that has not been an option yet, sadly.

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RE:New Years Resolution

I must admit, my fears that I would be cold if I slept nude during the winter were completely unfounded. I've slept better these last five nights than I had since putting the PJs on in November. Even when I had to get up to let one of the dogs out it wasn't uncomfortable for the few minutes it takes for them to do their business and come back in. I guess the real test will be this weekend when we are expecting a Nor'easter with up to a foot of snow overnight. If that goes well, I will be sold and plan to sleep nude the whole year.

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RE:New Years Resolution

Something strange happened to me last night. We called it a night at 9:15p. I got up once at 4:30a to use the restroom and then right back to bed. Normally, I just get up. Because the heater is off in the house by 7p each night, the inside of the house temp was 59 at 4:30a. I went back to bed and slept until 7:30a. I have not slept for 10 hours since I was in HS!

I had another great night's sleep several weeks ago and slept for about 8-9hrs while we were visiting or favorite beach town on our central coast. It was cold, we could hear the waves crashing and we were naked. We both got up a couple of times to use the bathroom and walked from bed to toilet and back, naked and barefoot. The heat we'd generated by sleeping naked and close to one another was enough to keep us comfortable while using the bathroom. It's the same here at home. When we each crawl back into bed and are now cold, it makes for some nice naked cuddle time to warm up again.

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RE:New Years Resolution

I have not slept for 10 hours since I was in HS!

Glad you enjoyed a longer sleep. There is nothing more frustrating to me that to be tired and the brain keeps on spinning to keep me awake.

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RE:New Years Resolution

Although I sleep nude during the warmer months, we keep the heat low during the winter so I wear PJs in the colder months (other than when at a hotel where I can turn the heat up a little). We usually spend New Years Eve at the Solair nude dinner and dance but this year we couldnt get a dog sitter so we had a nude night at home. I went to bed nude and didnt feel cold at all so my resolution is to extend my nude sleeping to 366 nights this year.

I started sleeping nude on a regular basis in the summer of 1989. I made a half hearted attempt to wear something to bed in the fall. On New Year's Eve, I told my wife my New Year's resolution was to sleep nude every night unless there was someone else beside her in the room. Haven;t broken that one in 34 years, probably my best record ever.

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