RE:I'm curious

I am a widower who never wears clothes when home, I feel being nude in my home is nothing to be ashamed of , only wished that I had started long ago

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RE:I'm curious

For me, being nude around the house is very pleasant & it makes chores feel less like work. It just makes it all more fun. Its pretty simple, really.

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RE:I'm curious

For me, being nude around the house is very pleasant & it makes chores feel less like work. It just makes it all more fun. Its pretty simple, really.


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RE:I'm curious

For me, being nude around the house is very pleasant & it makes chores feel less like work. It just makes it all more fun. Its pretty simple, really.

Totally agree, Plus when working, I don't get too hot and sweaty when nude.

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RE:I'm curious

I am nude often around the house and also in the back yard in good weather. Chores, reading, working at home, etc. There are times when it's just too cool, and have discovered that a poncho is a nice coverup of shoulders and torso front and back, open at the sides, so it' minimally constricting. But I live alone, so there's no negotiating required to be nude. Just coverings on my chairs, which get laundered often.

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RE:I'm curious

From my experience on these types of boards on many, many different websites, it definitely is the guys that are more apt to be naked more often. Even my wife, a devout nudist, will slip on a t shirt, a cover up or house dress on occasion. She says it's to keep the boobs in check! LOL

For me, I'm always naked at home. I'm more productive with housework, yard work, fixing things, building things, doing things, while I'm naked. I've been this way since I was 14. I'd be left alone at home and the first thing I did was strip and complete the list of chores on my mom's list. To me, it just feels natural to be naked always.

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RE:I'm curious

There are times when it's just too cool, and have discovered that a poncho is a nice coverup of shoulders and torso front and back, open at the sides, so it' minimally constricting.

A poncho is definitely a a good choice when its cooler just invested one also great to quick throw on then I need to run out to the porch and could be seen by others.

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RE:I'm curious

I would prefer to be naked around the house. I was around the spouse for part of the day a while ago, but they weren't understanding.

As it is, when everyone else is out of the house, the clothes are off.
Got outside (can't stand the humidity at the moment, just rain already.) and put the grill cover on.
Got a few items of laundry moved around.

Now to work the day away until someone comes home.

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