RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

When you live in 1700 acres this is never a concern. My closest neighbor is over a mile away.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

I retrieve packages all the time from the front porch. I am lucky that I have no close neighbors and orange groves surrounding my house. Not the norm in SoCal. I have not yet met the ups, postal, or fedex delivery person nude. I think I would like to add that layer of normal nudity to my life. I go down to my mailbox nude all the time. It is about 300 yards, but the cover is good. I do have to cross a one lane street, but can see in both directions if anyone is coming

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

Yes I put out the rubbish bin/recycling boxes out most weeks naked mostly about 07:45 and two weeks running a pickup truck came along and most likely he saw I was naked. Yes sometimes it is in the evening I do it and sometimes I know the lady next door is doing hers but she knows about my nudist lifestyle. During the warmer time of the year I collect the empties in again when I am naked.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

Yes I put out the rubbish bin/recycling boxes out most weeks naked mostly about 07:45 and two weeks running a pickup truck came along and most likely he saw I was naked. Yes sometimes it is in the evening I do it and sometimes I know the lady next door is doing hers but she knows about my nudist lifestyle. During the warmer time of the year I collect the empties in again when I am naked.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

I think it is mostly about being discrete and checking prior to stepping outside. If we all lived in nude communities it wouldn't matter but we don't, so being a bit careful and checking is simple. Respectful to the neighbours, avoids an issue and allows us to keep doing what we like doing, ie. being nude as much as possible.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

Yes. Our landscaping of large bushes provides for a secluded front yard. I do walk out to the street nude early, around 5 AM, to deposit the trash for pickup two days a week and also, while out, check the mailbox.

When we moved here, there was a large bush blocking any view of the front door. After a while we got rid of it for a more open appearance. If I had known then that I would get into nudism, I might have kept it.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

Yes i can the front of house is shielded from the road by large trees and bushes, when i go naked driving i can walk naked from my house and drive off naked

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

I'm in the bowl of a court so passing traffic is generally not an issue, although many pedestrians seem to like to walk in, around and out again. Although our front verandah is open, a glance out to ensure the coast is clear is usually sufficient. I would only check the letterbox on the property boundary late at night to minimise the chance of neighbours being out and about and placing bins on the neighbour's nature strip is out of the question due to neighbouring security cameras and the likelihood that detected movements may be reviewed!

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

Easily done if you are aware of your surroundings. We have two neighbors across the street that have a view of our porch. In warmer days, weeks, months, these neighbors typically shut all their shutters on the windows to keep out the heat. If packages are on the porch and those shutters are all closed, it's easy to do. I just check around the area before I venture out.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

Easily done if you are aware of your surroundings. We have two neighbors across the street that have a view of our porch. In warmer days, weeks, months, these neighbors typically shut all their shutters on the windows to keep out the heat. If packages are on the porch and those shutters are all closed, it's easy to do. I just check around the area before I venture out.

We just have front steps without any cover, but we also don't have any street lighting directly in front of our house and we are slightly elevated above the street itself. So as long as I check around first I can step out to get packages on the front steps (at least at night) without anyone seeing me.

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