RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

Easily done if you are aware of your surroundings. We have two neighbors across the street that have a view of our porch. In warmer days, weeks, months, these neighbors typically shut all their shutters on the windows to keep out the heat. If packages are on the porch and those shutters are all closed, it's easy to do. I just check around the area before I venture out.

We just have front steps without any cover, but we also don't have any street lighting directly in front of our house and we are slightly elevated above the street itself. So as long as I check around first I can step out to get packages on the front steps (at least at night) without anyone seeing me.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

Just a few days ago I walked from my house all the way down the driveway and into my street while naked, and in broad daylight, to retrieve my mail from the roadside mailbox. There was more mail in there than I expected, and what I thought would be a quick trip took longer than intended. I think my neighbors were away but am not 100% sure.

I posted a video of the walk in my account- it was definitely daring!

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

I'm open the door a crack and off no one is around walk outside to get the package

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

In my case the post box is in the fence line so I can get the mail inside the garden but the other day while I was working up the trackway naked the post lady came to the box and I spoke to her and she was happy over me been naked so I don't have to be bothered now if she sees me naked again.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

I'm open the door a crack and off no one is around walk outside to get the package

This is my routine as well. I do have some sheer shorts hanging on the back of the door in the office door that's in front of the house. 99% of the time, the neighbors across the street have all their shutters closed. I open the front door, check my surroundings and the shutters across the street and can usually walk out to three areas on the porch and retrieve the packages. Sometimes the delivery guy/gal will put the packages on the front patio, but I can usually get those and not have to slip on anything.

We've not gone anywhere since Thursday afternoon. Hence, we've been naked since about 6pm that evening. This is not typical but quite common for us to go 2-4 days without ever wearing a thing. It's been well into the triple digit temps outside this past week. We were pretty miserable in clothes to sit in the bleachers for a HS football game. But since our grandson was playing, we sucked it up and had a good time.

As I'm typing this, we are having a monsoonal rainstorm in our valley and it's coming down pretty hard with some strong winds. Raining hard enough to clean things up a bit!

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