Same old same old

After a flurry of activity on the brand new ENL group, we're back to very little engagement again.

Lots of photos posted, Flora had started her wonderful topics once more and the engagement is at the same levels as before.

Example, a simpy superb, fresh, never been seen before photo of Flora, which also survived the mod... received a messily 9 likes when we had over 80 members, what gives?? If I could have "liked it" 10 times I would have it was that good.

New members are silent, old members who've rejoined are as silent as they ever were... you guys are members of a restricted, exclusive club .. use it or lose it.!

Exasperated Richie x

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RE:Same old same old

I know, Richie, and Ive got to get back to responding to topics and presenting more elaborate comments. I think the winter is affecting me this year, and although I do live in South Central Texas, the light just is not the same. Forgive me please, and do no give up on me. Mary Anne aka Frogett

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RE:Same old same old

Good morning, hopefully everyone had a wonderful weekend after the holidays. This time of year its always busy with family and friends.

Marie just got over a mild case of Covid. Yeah ! And it snowed last night ! As for active, amazing pictures that everyone posted.

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RE:Same old same old

I must confess that you're exactly correct; the sad part is you are proverbially "preaching to the choir" in southern speak. I must have missed this topic earlier as it does deserve & necessitate reply. The best we can hope for, regrettably, is that a few more folks will chime in after osmosis comes into play. We'll persevere and enjoy ourselves anyway...damit!!!

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