Duck bills

Plump lips are sexy. They signal youth, the right, fertile kind, so they attract potential partners. While we grow older, they have a tendency to become less plump, to lose volume and become less attractive. As we get closer to the end of our reproductive (fertile) lifespan and as nature hates to waste resources, it preffers to store any excess organic matter in the more compact form of fat around our hips and thighs (and later on around our waist) rather than in our lips.

So your lips become thinner, their upper arch (I think it's called Cupid's bow or something) is flattened and you start showing your lower teeth instead of the upper ones. It's called growing old and it has less impact on gents - tough male mouths with basically no lips can be sexy as hell - bit more on women.

But we live in a youth-obsessed world and every person, and definitely every woman (well, statistically, not necessarily and litteraly every one) wants to look young and sexy.

We can of course cheat a bit (especially in pics) by keeping our lips slightly apart and pushing them a bit forward, almost like in a kiss, which, when exaggerated, gives what we call the "duck bill". Then we can take the step forward and visit a medical facility to get injections of hyaluronic acid in our lips, and we need to pay such visit (and treatment) every six months or so.

I have a few friends who do that to mixed results. I have nothing against it. We replace compromised teeth, why wouldn't we replace lost volume in our lips if this comes with very limited risks and sufferance. We get injections in our jaws to treat a tooth, why not in our lips to look better. I don't yet feel the need to do so but at a certain point in time why not. If it makes me feel better and number one, it's not painful (the friends say it's not more painful than a visit to your dentist), long to heal (they say it takes 24h) or dangerous (they say that no, hyaluronic acid is produced naturally by your body so unlike breast enhancement you don't put some in your body stuff which does not belong there)...

To be studied, but right now I want to speak about the results, which as said are a mixed bag. It looks like there are two types: the regular filling, where you get say around four injections in each lip, and the "Russian filling", where you only get them in the middle of the lips. To be clear, I spoke with seven women who had one of those and they were all quite happy with them and intend to continue to have regular fillings. From my point of view, a couple of them had gone over the top and had got that excessive "duck bill" which, when seen in profile, is almost as protruding as the nose, but if this makes them feel better who am I to judge.

I confess that I prefer the Russian filling, as it gives a heart shape to your mouth and reinforces the "Cupid's bow", while the regular filling destroys that bow and makes your lips (in particular when taken a bit too far) look like two leeches having sex with each other. But wherever I look, in fashion magazines, on the web, in porn and in sexy pics, I see mainly the first type, the leech-type, sometimes taken to real extremes.

I do see a risk of getting used to, addiction and submitting to the law of diminishing returns here. You get used to plumper lips and will always want to go further, especially knowing that this is not permanent and they will slim down in time, until you get to those terrible duck bills with huge lips protruding further than the nose. It's a bit like with tattoos or piercings, except that those are indeed permanent.

So guys (as only a few guys answer my questions), I have three questions for you.

1. Of course you love plump lips, you like to kiss them, bite them, see them on or around various parts of your anatomy... Show me a straight guy who doesn't like them and I will show you a liar. But would your pleasure be diminished by the knowledge that they hide a higher than normal quantity of hyaluronic acid inside?

2. Do you prefer the traditional or Russian filling? In other words, big lips all over their length or plump mainly in the middle?

3. Should I test it and get a filling myself?

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RE:Duck bills

Plump natural lips look wonderful and are wonderful to kiss on woman or man. Plumped to the extreme lips look a bit silly. But hey, I am a woman.

I do like the Russian lips look. Very sweet. I might look into that very thing.

Flora, your lips are fine, but I bet the guys would love those Russian lips on you!


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RE:Duck bills

Wow, I never thought about that. Marie never had that done. I guess we thought it was a waste of money for a strange look.
The actress that we have seen with it done we always wondered why. We always go back to when Cher was younger and she didnt look perfect. Crooked teeth, was the perfect example. She was different from everyone else. Which made her beautiful ! Then she started to change her look and started to look plastic.

Sad really sad to think women and men are not beautiful already.

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RE:Duck bills

It is said that the most beautiful people have average features about any part of their body. Thus not thin lips nor duck lips, not no body fat nor excessive fat, not flat chests nor massive ones, etc. but average. I do not know what your lips look like, Flora, but let that be your guideline. As far as Russian lips are concerned, to the extent that they deviate from the normal, I would not like them.

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RE:Duck bills

I personally prefer the natural look. My wife has never had any type of cosmetic enhancement and if she asked for my opinion on the possibility of having something done I would tell her she didnt need it. I always worry that once somebody has had a procedure such as a lip filler, they want it more and more and it starts to look unnatural and silly. Ageing unfortunately is something we cant avoid, so just embrace it and let your body tell the story of how beautiful you are.

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RE:Duck bills

I've never given it a thought. Perhaps I'm looking elsewhere. Personally I'm a little phobic to the idea of penetrating the skin for cosmetic reasons. I even skip needles at the dentist for much of the time, unless she suggests its definitely worthwhile for a particular job.

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RE:Duck bills

I guess the "lip jobs" I've seen, or rather noticed, have been the disastrous ones where an attractive lady ends up with a trout pout, which looks quite dreadful.

The lip seems to be an area that the plastic surgeon hasn't mastered as I have seen a number, even celebrity, awful jobs... never seen a good job done.. then again maybe I just don't notice the job ones.

I would caution against any messing with your wonderful lips Flora, from what I've seen and heard, it's a one way trip and not a pleasant one.

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RE:Duck bills

Well said R (U K Barney),I totally agree with you as I also love natural body shapes.

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RE:Duck bills

I prefer the natural aging process; the other stuff is like false advertising. There are some borne out of medical needs to restore to original after an accident or procedure but that is a different animal. I had / have a late aunt that was a gorgeous woman in her youth & very refined. Her look was inner as much as outer. As she aged, her look became more refined and as beautiful as you could wish. She never stopped being gorgeous because her looks were a summation of her person. She moved away later in life & the last time I saw her was about 85 . . . she was still a beauty. Skip the filler & age naturally as the refined lady you are.

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RE:Duck bills

Well, Flora, the vote is in! No lip enhancement. In reality, i have never seriously considered it. I definitely wont now! My lips are beautiful as they are. So are YOURS, dear Flora! So are yours! Frogett xx

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RE:Duck bills

Well, Flora, the vote is in! No lip enhancement. In reality, i have never seriously considered it. I definitely wont now! My lips are beautiful as they are. So are YOURS, dear Flora! So are yours! Frogett xx

Maybe Flora, you could reserve your lip enhancements to the surgeons of Photoshop! That's about all I'd recommend...

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