New record.

Well that pictorial posting didn't last long! No sooner had I posted the photos and added a few comments, the pics (which were fabulous nudist photos, by the way, meeting all TN and their payment overlords strict Terms of Service, TOS for short, rules) than they were removed, unceremoniously I might add.

Oh well, you miss out today.

Richie x

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RE:New record.


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RE:New record.

I guess I was lucky !

Sad we pay for the use of this site but they allow what they want.

Life time membership is not what we paid for ! Having words and photos erased for no reason other than mods think so !

Sad, very sad !

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RE:New record.

You would think that the mod might get tired of messing with us and go find a new victim. Or, possibly, go review some of the new memberships attempts to gain new clients or just censor (read delete) some of the blatant sex ads. Its just about sickening to watch.

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RE:New record.

Reckon there might be a daily "mod quota" to delete x number of unworthy photos per day, and they will just pick any pic to hit their quota.

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RE:New record.

The most frustrating for me is the inconsistency of what is and what isnt deemed as acceptable

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RE:New record.

The most frustrating for me is the inconsistency of what is and what isnt deemed as acceptable

I don't think they even look Barney, I don't think it can be called subjective, misinterpreting the rules, it's just lazy moderation.
What is not understood by these baffoons is the damage the lazy moderator does to the TN brand and pushes away potential new business, who among us would recommend a nudist site to nudist friends where the moderation of photos is so rediculous.

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RE:New record.

You're right, Richie, I don't think they look either. I'm increasingly having perfectly 'clean' nudes be rejected before they hit the site... I'm pretty much giving up posting any new photos here. But it's so patchy. Thankfully Nemo83 still seems able to post their wonderful photos for us all!

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RE:New record.

Dear all,

Not gonna get into discussing individual accounts here. But I wouldn't mind so much mods deleting any or all pics. It can be kind air fun to beat them on speed and reward those who visit the group often enough. I have literally dozens of thousands of pics, far more than the mods could delete and many (in all modesty) are I think kind of cute.

The main issue is that we were not able to mobilize more than 7-8 regulars - and regulars in the sense that they pass regularly, not that they really like to be here and exchange with the others.

So let's not blame mods. They are simply not very smart and delete stuff they don't understand. The problem is elsewhere.

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RE:New record.

I just posted a pic, not a full frontal, but I posted it to see what happens. Plus one in ENL. Frogett

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RE:New record.

funnily enough, I posted one of those pics which is:
- not completely full frontal;
- methinks, in all modesty, not too hard in the eyes;
- kinda more elegant than naturist...

And it was posted three times. I had to delete two... By no means saying here that the deletions are an algorithm fluke - they are not. But clearly this site is bugged like no other.

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