Cedarhills Campground
I was wondering if anyone from this group goes to Cedarhills Campground in Mazo. Before the pandemic I used to go 2 or 3 times a year but I haven't been there since.
I was thinking it was time for me to get social again and I'm planning on going next summer. It would be fun to see some TN people there.
- a year ago
Thank you for the reminder. Now I am looking forward to giving it a try this year.
- a year ago
Yes, I was there last summer and really enjoyed the atmosphere. It was a good mix both relaxed and open without going crazy. I love the hiking path that's close to a whole mile and all clothing optional. Il''be back next summer and next time I'll remember to bring quarters for the shower.
- a year ago
I haven't been on the hiking path yet. I tried it the last time I was there but I didn't have enough bug spray on and I had to turn back.
Yep you have to bring plenty of quarters, between the sun screen, bug spary and campfire smoke you end up being pretty smelly.
- a year ago
I hope to see you there!
- a year ago
Thanks for the info. I completely forgot this was there. I'll have to check it out this summer. Are there other places around Wisconsin I should check out? Planning on going to Valley View as well.
- a year ago
I haven't but I'd like to!
- a year ago
I've only been to Cedarhills and Camp NCN but the Nude Car Show at Valley View sounds fun.
- a year ago
It would be fun to go as a group. Im just not a tent camper if I can help it. Lol. Have to look into if rentals are available.
- a year ago
As near as I know rentals aren't available. I'm not much of a tent camper myself but this is the exception that I make. Cedarhills is short on amenities but the views are amazing and I have a great time just walking between the campsites and chatting.
- a year ago
Went to the website. Looks like they have RV rentals. Cabins are under construction. Not sure how close the RVs are to renting area. I know some people also have seasonals.
- a year ago