Header pic

I love that group banner pic, what a fantastic pair of tits :)

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RE:Header pic

Anybody else bothered by this objectifying comment? Just saying

Not happy with it, but I have seen worse comments on this site.

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RE:Header pic

I've just flagged it as Sexual/inappropriate.

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RE:Header pic

As a True Nudists subscriber, it is within your rights, but did you flag the comment or the picture as s/i? Not a serious question here, it's more a statement about clarity. Before my first cup of coffee was supped today, I did for one sec think the quote below meant the picture.

I've just flagged it as Sexual/inappropriate.

The photo in question has been floating around in here for quite a while and it does draw the appreciative eye. I say it often ~ words have power, and as such, they should be chosen more carefully than aussie-steve has here. He who offered this mammarily-offensive critique has only for one week been a member of TN. I give some latitude to any nude newbies, comparing this rather blunt, blood-leaving-the-brain reaction to the first timer males who come to our resort and cannot yet control their upwardly-mobile reaction to the view of a fetching fellow nudist, a guy who correctly chooses to hide his obvious ardor behind a towel for the first few minutes (or hours) at our naked park. And I don't mean using themselves as the towel rack ~ but more using that all-important towel as a hiding place for when they see a rack and they can't unsee it in their excitable head.

Need viable suggestions for better verbal ways of showing appreciation without riling up the ire of the more sensitive barers amongst us? First, never turn a body into its separate parts. Try to always remember that those breasts which have raised your blood pressure are attached to a thinking, feeling brain which deserves the utmost respect. Nudists are allowing you full visual access to their bodies, but do not forget that there's a mind and soul to go with it. Using the more debasing term 'tits' instead of 'breasts' - or one of the more clinical terms for mammary glands (and tanks for dem mammaries!) - won't typically enamor the reader to the poster. Treat us fellow True Nudists just like you would treat someone in person. And further, are you tempted to say, "What a beautiful vulva," to the gal who's got her legs opened toward the sun at the nude beach? I surely hope not. Most boyfriends on the beach won't take offense if you say, "Looking good, Billy-ray!" as you smile while walking by their towel briskly, your sunglasses obscuring the point that your eyes are in fact admiring Billy and Ray, you having given a name to each of his girlfriend's alluring breasts. I'll suggest that'll get you a lot less fat lips on vacation with that than, "Nice tits!" And by the way, if you caught that reference to the movie "Trading Places" ~ oops, BAD NUDIST alert! Ms Jamie Lee's breasts are nothing short of outstanding. "Feeling [them] good, Lewis!" I feel a flagged post coming on.

As for a way to compliment without getting flagged, humor tends to deflate and disarm the more sensitive here. A more pleasant way to show admiration for any attention-harboring orbs in future posts, it might be better to use wording along the lines of, "My, what magnificent teats you have, grandmother!" Appropriate retort, "All the better to feed you with, my dear..." Okay, now that was offensive.

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RE:Header pic

I flagged the comment.

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