RE:UK Guys

I would be interested in joining a WhatsApp group chat if one has been set up?

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RE:UK Guys

I know what you mean!
Why not start up a specifically UK group on this site and we can chat through that to start with? Also if we find we are in the sames area we can orgainise actual meets - personally I'm not that interested in Skype type things.
I'm in the Oxford area, by the way, if there's anyone else around here.


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RE:UK Guys

Hey guys, Id be interested to join 41 M SW/London. Do you use anything else like WhatsApp or telegram than Skype

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RE:UK Guys

Sounds like a good idea
al.barry8 is my Skype

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RE:UK Guys

Id be more than happy to join a WhatsApp group

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RE:UK Guys

Same here

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