Wisconsin Anti Nudity Laws
Wisconsin Residents - we need your help. The Wisconsin lawmakers have passed SB 477, SB 478, AB 504, and AB 503 to outlaw any public nudity. This will close down the Madison and Milwaukee WNBR rides. It has been said that Wisconsin will be the harshest anti-nude state. How soon til it spreads to other states.
Please take a moment to sign and leave you comments to the governor - https://www.change.org/p/tell-governor-tony-evers-to-veto-anti-nudity-bills-sb-477-478-and-ab-504-503
As someone that has ridden in both the Madison and Milwaukee rides in 2022, I would hate to see this happen. I signed the petition, but I don't know if it will do any good with me being out of state. Apparently, the only hope is that the Governor vetoes it. I am not sure if the legislature has the votes to override it. It could probably be challenged in court on constitutional grounds, but that would involve significant expense.
As I conversed with @HTownWNBR, & as a veteran ( unelected yet ) successful longtime politician/advocate, I understand the stunts by the #TheTemps ( ie: legislators as opposed to lifetime appointed Judges, & DAs, who must be responsible for the financial & human resource costs of judicial prosecution to Our Earnings & Savings as Tax Payers & #USgovt staff & public defender & prosecution billable hours ) are meaningless, 90% futile, & must be ignored more often than not. This is especially so when the #USgovt historically NEVER prosecutes Naturists Nudists WNBRists Exhibitionists Artists/Models for #SocialPublicNudism ( if you have a docket number for Naturists Nudists WNBRists Artists/Models who have been indicted beyond a ticket much less fined or caged, I eagerly look to be corrected ).
As one of the current more recent team of organizers of the @SFWNBR, My own several personal face-to-face Nudist-to-Uniformed conversations with @SFPD @SheriffSF have been universally cordial & respectful when these authorities were not deferential & defensive in Our Favor.
There are occasionally rare rogue bully blue-collar illiterate cops with a personal ax to grind or just having a bad day out there, but if We cordially & respectfully stand our ground & educate & remind them about Our Paramount INALIENABLE Liberty & even lesser Codified #1stAmendment Constitutional Rights & only if necessary warn them that We will File a Citizen Complaint against them personally for any & all misconduct on their part ( a stamp on their permanent career record than often jeopardizes advancement & raises ), even the most zealous, but sober, Police Officer will resign herself/hisself to not even pull out their ticket pad or switch on their BodyCam both which require HOURS of dreary mandated paperwork/red-tape taking time away from their family & friends & social life.
I hope You will be able to come out someday to join the fun of the #FREErangeSFnudistEXPERIENCE in San Francisco USA someday, weather permitting ( not to jinx things or jump the gun, but We will either go ahead as planned for Saturday 10 February or announce ( on Thursday 8 February ) a rain date ( likely Sat 17 Feb ). I will try to remember to include You in an email blast, but We should have it posted in a timely manner on Our @SFWNBR Twitter page.