New to this
Thanks for your posting. I normally say it's important to post some pictures if you want to be taken seriously. However, this site is dying and it's unlikely that any pictures you post will be published either because of the moderators or a site infrastructure that's almost as old as you are. Many regular users are migrating to Good luck!
Give it a shot here. I'm on nonshy because people have spoken well if it, but the forums are deader than here, and the posts and chat are hugely sexual, since that's permitted. You can opt out of "explicit", but there's little left. It's essentially all older men, even moreso than here, This site DOES, freely, post pictures despite the complaints, IF you are posting with the idea that people will get a nice idea of the expression on your face, the context of your life, and (maybe) your comfort with SOCIAL nudity, which is to say, not a mirror selfie, but you being out there in the world as you live in it. A simple, Facebook-profile sort of pic is nice. No picture is required, and many members participate actively without one. People will ask and ask and ask for pics, which seem to count only if they show genitals. The site's a genuine resource, but it's only a website. Be glad that the internet is NOT real life.
In real life, which one can discuss here if not actually live, no nudist would *ever* ask you get naked, unless you have come to a venue where the hosts have decided that other guests might be uncomfortable around a clothed person. (That happens mostly because of the chance that the person might not really enjoy social nudity, but is just there to see naked bodies. A True Nudist has seen it all already.) TN is not such a venue, although some of the groups are.
Think about, and consider sharing, what interests you about nudism. There are so many approaches. For me,
it's really reassuring that, if I've been nude with somebody, there's nothing left to hide. It's reassuring in any context where nudity is socially possible, whether that older woman with the interesting knitting in her lap under a tree at a resort, or somebody's kid splashing in the surf, or a buddy, or a potential sex partner. It builds trust; without the conventional social signaling that clothing provides, you can show yourself to be sufficiently considerate to recognize what's appropriate and welcome with the particular person and in the particular context.
It's hugely liberating, if you have serious, culturally-driven inhibitions about nudity for any reason from sexual shame to body image to fear of condemnation, to be naked in congenial company. You'll see stories here over and over about how hard it was to be socially naked for the first time, and how very quickly one realizes that it's not such a big deal. You've opened more space in your life.
It's physically wonderful to feel the water, the wind, the grass, the whole world, with your entire unencumbered body -- an in-touch-ness that can bring real emotional, even spiritual, benefits.
Finding those contexts can be a challenge, for which this site is a reasonable resource for beaches and resorts. Somewhat edgier, venues for hiking, camping, skinny-dipping. Little focus on house parties and non-landed clubs, but look for Groups geographically near you, read through posts, and ask questions about places and groups. There are also specifically gay and/or men-only resorts and clubs, not so much the focus here. In chat, the moderators do seem to think that any mention of "gay" is inappropriately sexual, although the site as a whole does not embody that prejudice.
You'll have more luck on nonshy, and also if you have something in your profile, including some pics.
Don't take TN too seriously; it's not a true representation of nudism out in the real world. The censorship, restrictions, aggressive chat room moderators, and poor software (I can no longer edit my profile), have driven a lot of people to nonshy. This site has only worsened of late. Unless you can show them your licence, you can't post nude pics as of about 2yrs ago. Pretty pathetic really.