Site Visit 1/27/2024

Good visit today with about 9 other TN guys. I got there when the doors opened and stayed until about 1:30 p.m. The crowd grew gradually throughout my time there and was only starting to get a little overcrowded when I was getting ready to leave. It was 99.99% nude. One man came in wearing a suit, showered, and got in one of the hot tubs. A short while later he emerged with suit in hand. Other than that, I think everyone was naked, just as it should be.

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RE:Site Visit 1/27/2024

Agree - a good time was had by all of us TN folks. It was good to meet a bunch of TN guys in person. Thanks to Bulletisback for putting this together.

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RE:Site Visit 1/27/2024

Being new to this group I was so happy to meet other members and, hopefully, create more true friends. Thank you bulletisback for initiating the get together

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RE:Site Visit 1/27/2024

A lot of us are on the new side of things here. Maybe we should name our group. Club Fred?

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RE:Site Visit 1/27/2024

Great group and a really nice day. Glad those who were able to make it were there, and and missed a few others who had to cancel this time....look forward to future meetings and expanding the circle of friends. From Maryland's eastern shore to Yorktown, VA and many points in between, we showed up, without showing out!

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RE:Site Visit 1/27/2024

Hi Fred, Sorry I couldn't join you guys on Saturday, but it looks like you did just fine without me! Look forward to joining you some time. Kind regards, Ed B.

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