You're spoilt by ENL

Regular fabulous topics posted by Flora, fresh photos (not always surviving the TN moderators, admittedly) on a daily basis posted by mods and members... a limited membership that is truly earned.... what more could you ask for?

That's a relatively serious question, what else do you ask for from the ENL group. I'm certain, if the ENL moderator team can help deliver, I'm sure we'd try.


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RE:You're spoilt by ENL

ENL is by far the most engaging and entertaining group - with consistently superb photos - and the ocassional
Video. More of the latter might be welcome - although when posted they dont seem to last very long. Thanks to Flora, Jeanne and Astair and those members who contribute.

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RE:You're spoilt by ENL

Thing with videos is that you can't post them in the album but only in the forum. And the forum is, whatever precautions you take, visible not to members only, but to all on TN. Including to web crawlers, which will keep them in the memory like forever. Plus, they can easily be downloaded.

Which may be fine for you. But I prefer not to be famous so every time I posted a video I deleted it after at most 24h.

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RE:You're spoilt by ENL

Yes, we are... I too think this has been the most engaging group on TN... Flora was a wonderful founding mod (and I'd still go out and buy the book)... Richie has taken on a big task... what else?... what do you give people who are already spoilt? ... hmmm... can't think of anything

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RE:You're spoilt by ENL

Richie, I too have been thinking about your question. I cannot think of anything that would make ENL better, except for more elegant lady members to post their pics. Myself included need to post more.. Frogett aka Mary Anne

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RE:You're spoilt by ENL

Definitely spoilt. More people being prepared to jump in with thoughts and experiences would be my wish, but the proverbial horse can only be led to the water, not forced to drink.

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RE:You're spoilt by ENL

Steve, you are exactly correct. It doesnt take a lot of effort to post a short blurb but for most its too much work. Its sad because it really is a loss for all of us.

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RE:You're spoilt by ENL

Steve, you are exactly correct. It doesnt take a lot of effort to post a short blurb but for most its too much work. Its sad because it really is a loss for all of us.

Steve and John, I agree, you know my stance on inactive group members, taken great delight in kicking a few out already.

We want the best group on TN, that means participation. Not every day but often enough.

Richie, your new bouncer!

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RE:You're spoilt by ENL

Saturday spoiling for you all, Minti is back and posting, Jeanne also shared some great photos and Flora too... you couldn't ask for more.

What a treat being in the ENL club.

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RE:You're spoilt by ENL

Mint is actually being just a little promiscuous in her photo posting. Her TS pictures suggest she's less inhibited than she led us to believe... That glorious smile is always present, however, no matter how distracting she is being otherwise.

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RE:You're spoilt by ENL

As evidenced by the truly inspirational images posted by that most excellent curator Richie aka Astair. What a nice way to start the week with such fine postings! Much thanks and big respect.

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