A Poll

Greetings Everyone,

Everyones interests in Star Wars and even in other series can vary. Since this is a Star Wars group will keep it to that. I will have to admitt that I am finding the story telling of the latest episodic installations of Star Wars stories to be very interesting. Starting off talking about The Clone Wars and Rebels though animated series were in at least my opionion very good. Despite being animated the story lines were appealing and flowing. This is all carried over in the Bad Batch Series that has its last season airing soon. Watching all these series and following the stories one can almost forget or even just put aside that they are animated as I feel that the writing and even the animation in them made you feel for the characters and enjoy the adventures that took place.

As for the Live action series that have taken place Kenobi, Andor, Ahsoka, and Mandalorian. Each is unique in and good/great in their own ways. Each of those story lines only adds to the Star Wars Universe and we get a greater and better view at this fictional world. In some ways the stories being played out in these series though fictional is in someways an overlay of our own world in which we live in and facing the struggles that we have. The same can also be said of the animated series.

As for the movies whether you have a love for the Orginal Trilogy Ep. 4, 5 & 6, Prequels 1, 2, & 3 and the Sequel Series 7, 8, & 9, and than there are the off shoot movies, such as Rogue One and Solo. While every movie has its good and bad to them they each gave a glimbs in to this wonderous Fictional Universe. Love, hate, or even neutral in your feelings for each movie each one has it own place and only gives one more broad view at this Universe and can find something in any of the stories told wether its Animated, Episodic, or even in Feature movie we can all take away something and find something that catches our interest, or likes, dislike and even what we can relate to in our own lives.

WIth all that said it would be interesting to read from others what is it that you enjoy about the Wonderous Universe that attracts you to be a fan. I hope to see some responses to this to be open about your interest put I do ask that we keep this discussion on being constructive and informative and avoid or at least keep any negative tones to be constructive.

Thank you for reading this and looking forward to replies,
May the Force be with all of you / This is the way

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