Cult of Masculinity

Hey men. I've been talking with a few guys about organizing a tribe or brotherhood of likeminded men who bond over their masculinity. I imagine it being an all-nude organization, str8/gay/whatever (but no Y-chromosome is a dealbreaker, sorry not sorry), maybe starting out online but ideally becoming in-person physical. Suggestions for rituals and celebrations of manhood are welcome! Right now we're looking into ritual cum exchange. Interested men, reach out!

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RE:Cult of Masculinity

I'm up for it! And I'm VERY CREATIVE!! Dale

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RE:Cult of Masculinity

Im up for that ! Great to share with other guys

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RE:Cult of Masculinity

Sounds really good. Would like to be a part of it.

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RE:Cult of Masculinity

Why not even have an initiation into the group, as a phallic worshippers group. That which makes us men, is the penis, build the group around that. There have been groups like it. I've written an initiation ceremony to start with it. Who'd like to get involved?

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RE:Cult of Masculinity

I'd be interested in joining. How exactly would members join though. What would be the requirements? How private or public is the group? How would the ritual of cum exchange work?

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RE: Cult of Masculinity

I am interested in joining this group. How do I achieve this?

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RE:Cult of Masculinity

Where do I sign up? I've had thoughts about this for a long time.

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RE:Cult of Masculinity

If youre interested, drop me a message. Ill respond 1-on-1 out of respect for peoples privacy.

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RE:Cult of Masculinity

I'd very interested in a group like this. What are your ideas on a cum exchange? In person, video chat or pictures?

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RE:Cult of Masculinity

Any news about organising the group? I'm very interested in joining. My personal philosophy is that feminism has done nothing but destroy men. A return to men-only spaces is what we need to fix a lot of today's issues.

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