My Reality

I guess my reality is that there is no place or groups near me to spend time with other nudists. One of the downsides of living in a small rural community is there arent any other nudists or if there are they keep it to themselves. Im fortunate enough to have an ample piece of private land that allows me to spend time nude indoors and out but Id really enjoy having others to hang out with. And Im not really sure how to go about finding others or organizing a group to hang out with. Ive tried to place ads on Craigslist but the ads are always flagged and removed, but not usually before some troll responds and just wants to see me naked or wants some type of sexual encounter. Thats not what nudism is about. So Ill just try to be content doing my own thing and hopefully someday Ill meet someone or better yet, several someones that have the same goal

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RE:My Reality

I guess my reality is that there is no place or groups near me to spend time with other nudists. One of the downsides of living in a small rural community is there arent any other nudists or if there are they keep it to themselves. Im fortunate enough to have an ample piece of private land that allows me to spend time nude indoors and out but Id really enjoy having others to hang out with. And Im not really sure how to go about finding others or organizing a group to hang out with. Ive tried to place ads on Craigslist but the ads are always flagged and removed, but not usually before some troll responds and just wants to see me naked or wants some type of sexual encounter. Thats not what nudism is about. So Ill just try to be content doing my own thing and hopefully someday Ill meet someone or better yet, several someones that have the same goal

White Tail resort is 4 hours away. Too far for a day trip but doable for a 3-day weekend.

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RE:My Reality


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RE:My Reality

Unfortunately this is the reality for many if not most in the US today.

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