Ever more confident that nobody is paying attention

A few days ago I started a 320 mile southbound trip on a sunny 30 degree F morning, wearing sweats, my coat in the back seat of the car. The solar gain through the windshield warmed the car more than I like. So before long I slipped out of my shoes , sweat pants and shirt and drove the next 250 miles completely bare. Way easier to control my body temperature, without constantly adjusting the thermostat or opening the window to cool off. Soo comfortable. But my reason for posting is that passing cars on four lane highways never seems to generate any reaction, certainly no problem. So even a barechested guy in a sedan in cold weather can drive in this most comfortable way without a problem. At least in my many experiences like this so far. Its good

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RE:Ever more confident that nobody is paying attention

That statue looks familiar.

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RE:Ever more confident that nobody is paying attention

A few days ago I started a 320 mile southbound trip on a sunny 30 degree F morning, wearing sweats, my coat in the back seat of the car. The solar gain through the windshield warmed the car more than I like. So before long I slipped out of my shoes , sweat pants and shirt and drove the next 250 miles completely bare. Way easier to control my body temperature, without constantly adjusting the thermostat or opening the window to cool off. Soo comfortable. But my reason for posting is that passing cars on four lane highways never seems to generate any reaction, certainly no problem. So even a barechested guy in a sedan in cold weather can drive in this most comfortable way without a problem. At least in my many experiences like this so far. Its good

Driving to south reminded me of something I did about this time last year, We left NJ driving to FL. I started out wearing jeans, t-shirt socks, sneakers, sweatshirt and windbreaker. As we headed south the windbreaker and sweater came off, the jeans were exchanged for shorts, and the sneakers and socks for scandals. By the time we reached the Florida state line, I had removed the sandals and t-shirt, leaving me wearing just shorts. I suggested that I could celebrate being in our last state by removing my last piece of clothing, but she wouldn't go for it.

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RE:Ever more confident that nobody is paying attention

Where I live it gets cold in winter, but a few years ago I had a 3 hour drive during a January thaw (temps above freezing for a few days). On impulse I pulled into a wayside rest, got naked and put a jacket over my shoulders, and drove home that way. I was glad for a seat heater, but as you say, it was easy to regulate the temp in the car without several layers on. And I don't think anyone ever looked over, although the jacket did make me fit in a bit more than if I'd been bare. I did an 8 hour round trip this past weekend and intended to do some of the freeway driving clothes-free, but the car I rented had a big windshield and a tinted glass roof, so I thought I might be seen by too many truckers. I know some of them like it, to relieve the boredom if nothing else, but I just don't know how it works these days if someone should not like it and cell phones are everywhere. I suspect I'd probably have been fine, though.

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RE:Ever more confident that nobody is paying attention

Yup nobody is paying attention to you driving. They are to busy with their phones to glance over to see you naked. Driving naked is so much better like you said you can control how to keep cool. Did a 800 mile trip nude and loved every moment of it.

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RE:Ever more confident that nobody is paying attention

So, my return trip back north in 40 degree weather was another 250 miles of comfortable nude driving. But since it was at night, I suppose it barely counts :-).

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RE:Ever more confident that nobody is paying attention

Even at night, it still feels good. And it has the added advantage of keeping you a little more awake!

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RE:Ever more confident that nobody is paying attention

Even at night, it still feels good. And it has the added advantage of keeping you a little more awake!

Couldn't agree more. Enjoy night drives in the nude.

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RE:Ever more confident that nobody is paying attention

I only recall one instance where I was looked at, and that guy would have only noticed me shirtless, I'm sure, as we were at a stoplight and his door was slightly in front of mine on my passenger side.

On highways I doubt anyone ever sees anything in a roofed vehicle as long as you don't linger alongside in an adjacent lane. I'm slightly more careful around school and local buses, but usually I consider the speed differential sufficient as I overtake.

At traffic lights all I do is take care to choose the best lane that allows me to stop with an offset to the other vehicles and perhaps away from pedestrians although they've never noticed anyway - they're usually checking if they'll make it to the crossing in time or have their heads in their phones.

When I'm driving, I'm also not looking at other drivers unless this topic is specifically on my mind or where eye contact is beneficial to how we interact in our vehicles. I've never noticed anyone else.

While I find that works in a roofed vehicle, even with all windows down, a convertible is a different proposition as they stand out amongst other vehicles, you're in full daylight without the shadow (even partial) of a roof an the openness invites additional interest to look inside. I've never felt more exposed than trying a roof-down night drive, even on quiet surburban streets. Highways are probably easier in that respect, but you have to start and stop somewhere.

The final consideration is interactions with the constabulary and driving nude does tend to help with discipline while I'm yet to encounter a mandatory breath-testing station where all vehicles are corralled to allow the drivers to be tested. Closest was when I saw the station being set up on the way out and decided to dress for the return trip. Discretion, and all that... :-D

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RE:Ever more confident that nobody is paying attention

On one nude drive when I was unable to stop and dress before entering a busy town on market day my car was seen by hundreds of pedestrians while I was stopped and moving slowly, many of whom were within touching distance and I had no adverse reaction. I ended up in a very busy shopping centre car park where I finally dressed standing between my car and the adjacent one. using my car's doors as an additional shield.
I don't think anybody actually noticed my nudity.

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RE:Ever more confident that nobody is paying attention

one of my most amusing incidents was in reno.
i was stopped at an intersection when a bicyclist crossed in front of me, got halfway across, turned back, and pulled up to my window.
our conversation went:
him: what are you doing?
me: just driving around looking at some of the sights.
him: you always just drive around stark naked?
me: sure. want to go for a ride?
him: okay, follow me to a place where i can store the bike.
i did, he got in, and pulled down his pants.
we stayed there parked and chatted.
he then exited and i went back to sightseeing.

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