Problems adding new members

For the time being new people can not be added until the owners of this site decide to fix what they broke when they "up gradded" the site. So fo now if you want to join, apply and if you have met the criteria then you will be add at some point!

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RE:Problems adding new members

I have the same problem with my groups; Bug '*Invalid group'*

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RE:Problems adding new members

I have the same problem with my groups; Bug '*Invalid group'*

Seems to be a bug they either can't or won't fix, reported multiple times but zero feedback

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RE:Problems adding new members

This upgrade sucks! While I can now add members, on my personal profile I have no idea how many have viewed it. I have to click on views to find out if anyone stopped by. I'm really hating this "upgrade! it's really a downgrade as far as I'm concerned!

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