No, Google will not show strangers your profile portfolio. Only the main profile pic, and anything you've posted to the forum. Shutting down your browswer does NOT log you out of Truenudists - it uses a cookie to keep you logged in for a period of time regardless. So when you've done these tests, you've still been logged in. Try this: LOG OUT of Truenudists (upper right of screen) then restart your browser and google yourself. Now you're really seeing what a stranger would see.
who should I contact to inform the website managers that a simple line can be added to each profile page to hide them from search engines? they could be added with an automatic loop, then with a simple line of code in or whatever html writing software is used whenever someone creates a new profile. Here it is if anyone can forward this to them.
The following META tag tells the Search Engine robots not to index this page and not to follw and links within the page (must be inserted within the block):
I just did a Google search of my name and none of my images came up. I think that's probably because most of my pictures areview-ableonly to friends and/or certified members.
What did come up were those of friends on here and also some posts I have made. Also turns out that my username is used by someone else on other sites ontheinternet.
I was also told that Google saves every site you search for and while TN is not a porn site I don't want anyone to know how often I visit nudists sites so I use a different search engine. Anybody else confirm this?
Perhaps in a cookie, or a session cookie.
Anything more would take resources beyond current technology.