Drive nude butt

One thing I have done when i get the chance to drive nude is to wear a surong. I can unwrap/untie it at the waist and just sit on it. When/if I have to get out or get pulled over its quick to re-wrap and you are covered.
I had a friend who made break-away gym shorts. They were held with velcro but were easy to undo and redo them while seated in a car.

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RE:Drive nude butt

One thing I have done when i get the chance to drive nude is to wear a surong. I can unwrap/untie it at the waist and just sit on it. When/if I have to get out or get pulled over its quick to re-wrap and you are covered.I had a friend who made break-away gym shorts. They were held with velcro but were easy to undo and redo them while seated in a car.

I sit on one side of a large towel so I can cover with the other half when needed.

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