RE:Why are you naked?

I find it that if animals cannot get your scent they are more likely to be defensive of the unknown. Covered up in clothing you scent is dulled if not hidden, but nude you scent is easily detected. God made us to be nude and mankind covered themselves. The fashion industry and religion use clothing as a way to control those they feel are below them and using clothing is a way to seperate the classes. Kinda hard to tell if everyone was nude how much money a person makes do you not think? I am nude because I find it more relaxing and has built my self confidence and awareness of my body.

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RE:Why are you naked?

One thing I have noticed while hiking nude is that that animals I come across seem to care less about me walking by.I have had coyotes walk near me and barely turn their heads within 100 yards. Similar with deer and the smaller critters. Even shunk crossed by and did not seem to care.

Has anyone noticed if your domestic animals act differently when they see you clothed v naked?

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RE:Why are you naked?

One thing I have noticed while hiking nude is that that animals I come across seem to care less about me walking by.

Years ago while hiking along a farm field in early morning fog totally bare ass, just as I walked under a tree, two raccoons in the tree got into a fight complete with very loud screams. I was the one who about jumped out of my skin.

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RE:Why are you naked?

One thing I have noticed while hiking nude is that that animals I come across seem to care less about me walking by.Years ago while hiking along a farm field in early morning fog totally bare ass, just as I walked under a tree, two raccoons in the tree got into a fight complete with very loud screams. I was the one who about jumped out of my skin.

How true, when hiking naked i feel at one with nature, i am sure the birds sing louder when i am naked

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RE:Why are you naked?

My two dogs both seem equally indifferent - tho they do recognise that me reaching for clothes usually means there's a walk in the offing

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RE:Why are you naked?

This is a another easy answer; Im lounging around the house & the weather is quite nice. Who needs clothes?

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RE:Why are you naked?

Years ago we used to go out to a place called the Verde Hot Springs in Arizona !

We were out there and a family showed up that had lived off the grid. They were free from homes bills car payments and anything else. They lived off the land. They told us to watch our dogs because they couldnt recognize them as being humans. And sure enough our dogs looked at them and then looked at us. We use shampoo, colognes, perfume, and it all soaks into our bodies, and the scent is always with us. for them, it was as true to be natural as possible.

So when I go out hiking, naked. I try not to take too much clothes that have a sent to it. Even just drinking water. Helps to get rid of any kind of a scent. Our largest organ is our skin and its used to coulis and get rid of toxins. That scent is always with us.

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RE:Why are you naked?

Years ago we used to go out to a place called the Verde Hot Springs in Arizona !We were out there and a family showed up that had lived off the grid. They were free from homes bills car payments and anything else. They lived off the land. They told us to watch our dogs because they couldnt recognize them as being humans. And sure enough our dogs looked at them and then looked at us. We use shampoo, colognes, perfume, and it all soaks into our bodies, and the scent is always with us. for them, it was as true to be natural as possible.So when I go out hiking, naked. I try not to take too much clothes that have a sent to it. Even just drinking water. Helps to get rid of any kind of a scent. Our largest organ is our skin and its used to coulis and get rid of toxins. That scent is always with us.

Yep thats outside of Camp Verde, lots of homeless living around there now. I have not heard anyone go their in 10 or more years.

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RE:Why are you naked?

Like others have said, it is a matter of comfort for me. I find clothing uncomfortable and too warm most of the time. Happier naked. When I go to our local nude beach, it's to have the freedom of swimming without a swimsuit and feel at one with the natural environment, not about being seen naked. The fact that there are other nude people around is comforting because of our society's unfortunate aversion to nudity. It's nice to have a space in which one will not be judged or feel threatened just because one is clothes free. If I see someone who is attractive, it's no different than if I was encountering them while wearing clothes, I'll have a quick look and move on. I spend so much time nude that it is practically my natural state, so I don't behave differently when I'm without clothes.

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RE:Why are you naked?

I feel exhilarated when I am nude in beautiful natural environments. It hit me again when I flew into San Diego a few days ago and fit in a few hours at Blacks Beach before driving to the desert. I strolled the whole length of the beach nude and barefoot along the waters edge. And absorbed all the beauty I could of the cliffs, the broad sandy beach, the rolling waves, the hang gliders above. I felt that it is in a way disrespectful not to experience such a place without clothes, Worth the huffing and puffing on the hike back up to the car. I seek out places to be naked in nature all the time, this one brought to mind how much I enjoy the sensuous experience of my naked body out in nature.

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