RE:Makes 5k Race!

Awesome - good for you. Always wanted to do a naked 5k run (walk) but bit past my ability now with creaky knees. Keep us updated on your successful endeavor.

Is knee replacement in your future?

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RE:Makes 5k Race!

Barefoot shoes to complete the experience.

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RE:Makes 5k Race!

Thanks everyone for the great advice and encouragement. I have been a runner for a long time and have done many 5ks but never an official nude one. The past couple weeks I have been able to run a few 4 milers on the trails nude. I am feeling more comfortable just being at pace and actually training naked. I want to be comfortable running naked and not have my first experience be over whelmed by the fact that not only am I running a 5k but now Im naked. I will keep everyone posted.Oh also I love running with weights I prefer a weighted vest over ankle and wrist weights though.Adam

There is one at Wildwood this weekend but that is not that close to you.
Living in NJ, I have to remember that in many states, everything isn't within 3 hours of any other place in the state!

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RE:Makes 5k Race!

There is one at Wildwood this weekend but that is not that close to you.

I thought the one at wildwood was canceled. I could be wrong.

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