Goals for 2024

Hey Everyone!

As the temps are warming up here in Texas I have been able to get out to the trails more for naked runs. I honestly still feel pretty new to naturism but non the less the freedom I feel when hiking/running naked is incredible. My goal this years warmer weather is to maximize time on the trails and enjoy naturism more and not be so focused on the fact that I am naked but more on the fact that I am free.

New rule of mine on the trails:
- if I see another runner approaching me while it is dark out (because I run early in the morning) and they do not have a headlamp or light I will not cover up. If they do have a light I will cover up.

Does anyone else have any goals?


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RE:Goals for 2024

Spend at least 100 hours continuously nude.

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RE:Goals for 2024

Running naked in the dark sounds pretty safe to me especially in a desolate area. However, your safety is still a concern that's just as important as your freedom. Do you have a cell phone and coverage? You also have to be concerned with twisted minds that think nude=lewd. Do local laws protect you from accusations of indecency? During Covid I was falsely accused of something and had to go to court several days spread weeks apart for charges which were eventually dropped. It caused a lot of stress and expense and was completely unjustified and irrational. Keep on rockin it, Adam!

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RE:Goals for 2024

No specific goals, but I got a decent hike in this morning. Im thinking of doing the nude 5k at Wildwood this Saturday.

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RE:Goals for 2024

I have a goal to attend & camp at every nude 5k run weekend in the Texas-Oklahoma circuit. I did all but one last year. This year doing it again.

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RE:Goals for 2024

These are all awesome goals.

Jagers depending on how the October 5k goes. i am hoping to do the same thing in '25.

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