RE: What is the 1 favorite thing you like about the beach?Very good point. I completely agree with you.
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RE: What is the 1 favorite thing you like about the beach?It has to be playing on the beach and water with the sun on the body. Nothing like watching the sunset in the ocean after a long day at the beach.
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RE: What is the 1 favorite thing you like about the beach?Being able to skinny dip in the ocean in broad daylight.
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Post #5Joachim_1957Topless"Full nakedness! All joys are due to thee; As souls unbodied, bodies unclothed must be To... RE: What is the 1 favorite thing you like about the beach?I like being enveloped by nature--the warm sun, the cool water, and the sand under my feet.
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Post #6macnudeSuper NudistHave you read and signed the Nudist Bill of Rights? RE: What is the 1 favorite thing you like about the beach?Skinny dipping on a deserted beach got me into nudism in the first place. Splashing in the ocean and body surfing without a suit is my idea of pure pleasure.
It's a shame, we live about twelve miles from the ocean in SC, yet we usually travel out of the country to skinny dip at the beach without fear of prosecution or should I say persecution.
Grin and Bare it
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Post #7webmast68BarefootKev, noodatwork (not always, but when I can) RE: What is the 1 favorite thing you like about the beach?The equality of it all. Without clothing there is no sense of status. Everyone at the nude beach is just like everyone else. Relaxed and friendly.
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RE: What is the 1 favorite thing you like about the beach?Sun baking reading my book then jumping in the water to cool off.
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RE: What is the 1 favorite thing you like about the beach?Sun baking reading my book then jumping in the water to cool off.
Being naked as well as everbody else is a given of course
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RE: What is the 1 favorite thing you like about the beach?Thats where I let the child in me run free, so if you see me remember I'll be acting like a nine year old that day!
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Post #11ollygrumpsUltra NudistOlly (happy to be unwrapped) RE: What is the 1 favorite thing you like about the beach?The sea

And the sand, both bathed in sunshine.
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