That's how a dad/son relationship should be. If a dad can't explain all those things to his son and the son can't trust that he can to to his dad with questions about any of those things about how his body works and things he'll need to know about life and enjoying his life, who can he turn to? It's great to be that secure and close and safe to be able to be there and be a good dad in that role.
We weren't nudists per se, but we didn't have a/c in our house until I was 11 years old and we lived in Texas so sleeping nude on top of the covers with a box fan blowing on you was the norm. Saw my dad plenty of times and would often crawl up in the bed and cuddle (totally non sexual!). Just being naked with nothing between us and being held in his arms while we slept made me feel loved and accepted. As I got a little older my mother would start yelling at us so that eventually stopped. Still, after bailing hay or working on fences in the summer we'd go to this creek on our property that was partially dammed up so it made a decent sized pool off water that was about 4 feet deep. We'd go skinny dipping there a lot up through all my teen years. Laying in the sun, taking naps, talking about life and stuff and giving me the talk out there...running around acting like kids after we had a few beers--sometimes with boners and not caring.
I'd squat in the water and beat off, but he'd just laugh at me when he realized what I was doing and go back to swimming or laying on the ground by the water. Never joined me, but I'm not going to lie there's a part of me that wished he had. I enjoy the intimacy and connection you get when bating with a bud and always wanted to experience that with him, but that's ok because he was still amazing and open and honest about so much with me out there that I'm grateful.