new pictures

Greetings, dear comrades! Behold, I have unveiled unto our esteemed assembly four captivating snapshots, each a testament to fleeting moments frozen in time. Let us embark upon a journey of observation, pondering the endurance of these visual marvels in the ever-shifting sands of digital existence.

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RE:new pictures

and, they are gone

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RE:new pictures

Oh well. Our beloved mods are on steroids on weekends. And the members are all but absent. I didn't get to see them either...

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RE:new pictures

It almost seems like these folks have *early warning radar* for new posted pictures. It is truly sad that they ignore the other areas of TN that need serious & constant attention. Maybe one day they will change but until then the low hanging fruit of TN is literally easy pickings & job security. It is truly dang aggravating!!! =-(

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RE:new pictures

What a tragedy. Are they not aware that they knowingly deprive us of much needed visual sustenance ?? It is very frustrating.

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RE:new pictures

I guess we might as well post some very raunchy pics, the kind which violate all their rules, at least they will have a reason to delete them...

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RE:new pictures

Kerrie, I got to see your four pics. You look smashing.

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RE:new pictures

Hi Kerrie, if you dare to certify, your pictures may succeed in passing the mods. Greetings from the east. :-)

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RE:new pictures

I did get to view Kerries lovely photos once - and to leave comments. Very sad and frustrating that these mods are so censorious and so quick about it.

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RE:new pictures

Smashing in many ways! So pure, Thank you for sharing with all of us!

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RE:new pictures

Smashing in many ways! So pure, Thank you for sharing with all of us!

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