
Thanks for accepting me into the group. Happy to be here and happy to be certified.

I went from refusing to take photos of myself all the way to posting nude photos of myself on this website.

For the longest time, I hated looking at myself. I would refuse photos because I didn't want to see what I looked like in them. Even looking at myself in a mirror was a nightmare.

One day at clicked, I could overcome this. I started working on myself, physically and mentally. I realized that I wasnt happy with how I looked, and I could improve that. I also worked on my mental health to make sure those both went hand in hand. I slowly started to like myself again.

One day I posted a (clothed) picture, and get a lot of compliments. I have to say, that felt good. The work I was putting in was paying off.

So how did i get here? Ive always been intrigued by nudism but due to almost self hatred i never embraced it. One day, I took the plunge, joined this website, and posted some pictures. And then I got nervous and deleted my account. And that happened again. And then one day, I recreated an account and stuck with it. And here we are.

I have fully embraced my nude self and am nude when ever i can. I love it and I love myself!

Anyways, if you read this, thanks for reading. I wanted to share a little more about myself. Feel free to hit me up to chat sometime. I like having a site where I can embrace my feelings, love my nude self, and connect with others who feel the same way.


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Hi Chris,
Great post! Welcome to the group!

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INHO you are a perfectly regular amn that most women would be happy to be with, clothed or naked.

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congrats - and once take the plunge (naked) its addicting - will never want to get dressed again! Enjoy!

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congrats - and once take the plunge (naked) its addicting - will never want to get dressed again! Enjoy!

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congrats - and once take the plunge (naked) its addicting - will never want to get dressed again! Enjoy!

Haha you arw absolutely right!

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