Getting rid of the bugs

The title is about as straightforward as they come; hoping folks share their solutions for keeping the bugs at bay. Here in the woods north of PC, the mosquitoes & yellow flies are both coming out. I guess they are hungry but they need to go elsewhere for their sustenance. Yes, I know, get real. Well, thats the point of this post. I could call in Orkin or the like for treatment but thats going to be a short term treatment at best as others from the woods would fill the vacuum & very costly, too. There are too many creative nudists out here & maybe someone will share their bug ridding expertise. I am currently trying the approach the bug guy from St Johns County (FL) bug control recommended for yellow flies. He said to paint a beachball black, hang it in the bug area & spray it with sticky glue. If you research it on the internet, you can find lots of similar ideas to try. The only catch I noticed was using the most effective type of glue. It needs to stay tacky & obviously not harden. Amazon is bringing the glue Tuesday & Wallys supplied the beachball, string & shepherds crook stand yesterday. Well see how it goes. The best rated electric bug (mosquito) zapper is also showing up Tuesday. Those will all be installed the same day and hopefully start to diminish the critters. Anyone else up for sharing their approach?

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RE:Getting rid of the bugs

The electric zapper works well. Also, I would hang MANY of the sticky fly traps with sweet sticky glue on them. I have also seen people put beer in glass jar lids to attract the crawling critters. We also have companies that install mosquito abatement misting systems around your home that can be programmed to spray at prime kill times. They will be here when we have all vanished!!!!

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RE:Getting rid of the bugs

Our problem seems to be the regular flys or the little noseems. The pesky little flyers that invade around your head and face.

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RE:Getting rid of the bugs

The bug Zapper works excellent!!! It sounded like a small arms firefight as soon as I plugged it in & the light came on. It's been making a dent in the bug population as of late. The beach ball painted black has not worked as I hoped. It did catch a few bugs initially but then stopped. I think it is too far out in the sunshine most of the day & the glue has since hardened. I'll try a rework on the glue and keep plugging in the Zapper. It's strangely satisfying to hear all the bug noises during the evening ... those are ones that will no longer bite me and are headed off to happy-bug land.

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RE:Getting rid of the bugs

I agree, two will kill twice as many!!!

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RE:Getting rid of the bugs

We got something from the hardware store. Its a small butane tank and a filter to emit an odor gas to prevent them from coming around the table. Mind you we used it last year here in Arizona and it seemed to work well. But we dont have the bugs everywhere else has

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