My friends, I am not very loquacious, except on the subject of having my photos deleted. I have modeled for 20 years or more and I have a lot of photos. I want to share them with you. But they are constantly deleted. I tried TS, but we are not swingers, so there I am a fraud. I am openly showing off all of my body, including my pussy, which I personally like. I have posted on the pudenda group, and been deleted. So I am frustrated. I don't want to leave the site. So I have decided a plan. I am going to bombard the site with open leg pictures. Please do the same and together we might just change the policy.
- 10 months ago
Thank you Jeannie.
There are other sites that allow explicit nude photos. TN is getting worst and worst. A website for nudist that doesn't allow nudes!! :(
- 10 months ago
Oh I went and seen your shots on TS.
You do realize that you are beautiful !
Thank you for sharing
- 10 months ago
The "special treatment" given by the mods to this group started with the "open legs" challenge. It was then deleted by the mods twice - or was it thrice? Yes, I think Jeanne has to recreate it three times...
I am not a model, like Jeanne. I only modelled once as a challenge for a semi-pro photographer. And a couple of times for my partner in photography, Thomas. Ok, a couple more times I dropped my kit to go in front of the camera and pose with my models. But I modelled quite a lot for my hubby Daniel, and that's where most pics come from. I uploaded at least a thousand pics up to now, some portraits, some dressed, most nude or sexily dressed down. Very few open legs. In fact, until about one year ago I didn't even have open legs pics, I had to take some snaps from videos. It's that ok not so interested in open legs pics, and neither is D. When he asks me to open them he usually switches to video...
I'm not shy, I could upload more open pics if you wish, but I would just give satisfaction to the mods to delete them with a reason. So I'd rather take part in another open legs pic on TS rather than TN. I don't have a TN account, but Jeanne can publish them for me.
- 10 months ago
TN had become way too prudish but the same could be said for TS, photo deletion for no good reason plagues both sites, the unusual power granted to ordinary people with no skin in the game, pardon the pun, from a financial and site success perspective is the main problem. The mods appear power crazed and simply spoilers and, if only the owners knew, are wrecking the site as a result.
- 10 months ago
It may very well be that the owners are the mods and they just don't like this group. And they don't care about scaring nudists off by deleting all pics because let's face it, they are right, this is just one of the exactly 5,236 groups - and a very small one at that.
I don't care much if they like or not this group, us, my blurb or my pics. De gustibus non discutandum. But what I find sad and even a bit scary is that this deletion mania was decided not by the owners, not even by public authorities, but by a bank. In fact, not even by a bank, but by a credit card company. Let that sink in. In the "land of the free", where we are headed towards a cash-free society where every little expense can be monitored by credit card companies, it is also a credit card company which rules the life of nudists, people who claim that they are free - or at least freer than the average. I would find it easier to accept if this was a result of a law adopted by Congress.
Meanwhile, I have of course zero intention to send my mugshot and a copy of my ID to this site ruled by MasterCard.
- 10 months ago
Wiki: Mastercard Inc. is an American multinational payment card services corporation headquartered in Purchase, New York. It offers a range of payment transaction processing and other related-payment services (such as travel-related payments and bookings). Throughout the world, its principal business is to process payments between the banks of merchants and the card-issuing banks or credit unions of the purchasers who use the Mastercard-brand debit, credit and prepaid cards to make purchases.
What Wiki forgets to say is that this corporation also decides what senders and recipients of payments can and cannot do. It all started of course with the thousands of sanctions US government spread around the globe on countries which don't take orders from Washington, then the whole woke movement, so Card masters said hey, so we can actually decide what transactions we accept or not, let's rule the world.
- 10 months ago
Your comment about *cash free* society is spot-on. The government is really less interested in your personal spending habits as long as they (government) knows they are getting every last bit of money which they believe is owed. Its universal . . . taxes & death . . . the timeless constant. The government (bureaucracy) entitlement crowd needs an almost endless supply of money for their programs, to provide for all and expand their power. But economic law clearly demonstrates the near vertical climb of apparent costless (but in reality exceedingly $$$) aid is unsustainable. I dont know where reason will intervene. Please excuse my soapbox exposition, but the madness must stop. Mastercard is but a small infection of the much larger plague.
- 10 months ago
I hope a few managed to enjoy the 1/2 dozen photos I posted before the mods woke from their lairs!
- 10 months ago
I didnt make it; thank you for your efforts Richie. Were having some house work done and my schedule has been a little variable. Well overcome this eventually.
- 10 months ago
I have a few shoots coming up in July.
I would love to have some inspiration.
I have been booked for two BG shoots, two erotic shoots and an art nude. Hub will also shoot me outdoors.
So, if you have ideas, please forward them.
I will post the photos on this group and on True Swingers.
- 9 months ago