RE:Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

They were different, innocent times, when people were practical and straightforward. Such a shame that society has become more repressed over the years since then.

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RE:Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

Well think about it. The olympics.were held and all the participants were nude. Except for sandals !Then we had the YMCA, that men were required to be nude in the pool. Women were not allowed in that facility. They had the YWCA, not sure what they were required to wear. But we had to have more equity between sexs. They had to know what was going on in a mens only club. Remember the movies showing them going into those places and hearing. Madam there has never been a woman in here in a hundred years !I guess rugby was played nude. Made more sense clothes were ripped off or used to hold the opponent. From running. I am not sure about wrestling ?Now we have the gay spas for men to be together to work out. Plus theres saunas and hot tubs !

There was a rugby team that played nude in New Zealand a few years ago, but it seems to have disbanded.

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RE:Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

Quite a few people on this board have noted that their pool and or hot tub is nude mandatory.
One is assembling a home gym that he is willing to let others use, with the stipuation that they must be nude.
While he is not saying that it is for men only, he doesn't expect to get any interest from women.

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RE:Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

If only. But it's just not going to happen. The feminists have taken over and all male and masculine preserves and traditions must be destroyed.

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