RE:Caesar Creek Lake

I just found this. Our idiot legislators updated the definitions of Private Area in 2023 to include female breasts. The change was meant to pertain to a new anti-voyeurism law but, like with ALL government action, there is a clear unintended consequence. This has redefined the term Private Area for all of Ohio code and means that a woman can be convicted of a sex crime if she exposes her breasts. Below is taken directly from the Ohio Revised Code from the Ohio Attorney Generals website:DefinitionsThe act defines the following terms:22"Place where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy" means a place where a reasonable person would believe that the person could fully disrobe in private."Private area" means the genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or female breast below the top of the areola, where nude or covered by an undergarment. [22 R.C. 2907.01(Q) and (R).]These idiots even wrote where nude or covered by an undergarment. This literally reads that a woman cannot be in a public space with any garment that can be construed as an undergarment covering her breasts. Ladies, you cannot be in public wearing only a bra or sports bra.Also, they changed it to specifically require men and women to cover their buttocks as well. So, no thongs anymore, that was old info.

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RE:Caesar Creek Lake


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RE:Caesar Creek Lake


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RE:Caesar Creek Lake

Sorry for all the posts. I thought I was editing/deleting my posts because the U.I. was unclear on my phone. It looks like Ohio is unfriendly to nudity and female breasts.

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