Hows your nude gardening progressing?

The summer weather has been just about perfect here so most all the gardening activities have been done nude. My garden, or even just the collection of pots, has been producing well. Theres been multiple peppers, a few tomatoes, zucchini getting started and varied spice plants happily making veggies. This has also been the best year in many for my blueberries. Weve gathered about 15 pints or so and theyre still producing. The worst thing about picking blueberries is disturbing the mosquitoes who then decide their meal has arrived. Keep moving while picking & apply bug spray as needed, otherwise it might not be a good morning. Well press on anyway.

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RE:Hows your nude gardening progressing?

It has been a good year for nude gardening here in N. Indiana. Not many bugs so far yet plenty of rain so everything is growing quite well. Years of plantings have paid off with a lot of privacy so about half my lawn i can mow in the buff. Looks to a be a good crop of black raspberries in about a month. Most are on the edge of the property and I can pick nude without too many thorns. My peonies are just fading after one of the best blooms in years. Dafodils delighted me in the spring.

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RE:Hows your nude gardening progressing?

Thank you for sharing your garden stories, but who has pictures to share as well? I've got limitations about photographs here in our bare resort but I'll try to take a few in the coming weeks.

FINALLY got the tomatoes in the dirt yesterday, thirteen little plants happily sucking in the sun and nutrients and water, both from the hose and mother nature last night with a nice soaker around eleven pm. We're trying two new varieties, pink brandywine and mortgage lifter, not sure what to expect but hopefully better than last year's absolutely dismal showing due to a few mistakes and a few uncontrollable variables. Giving up on the sweet peppers for the most part, just not worth it when the Aldi has three for $2.50. Sure wish I could've gotten at least one or two hot peppers to live through the seedling stage - Lowes wants $5 a piece, what a ripper. Should've eaten a hot pepper and planted the seeds but too late for that now. Not even my mom's hard to kill ornamentals came up this year, dang it! They've been a staple for the beautiful color they add.

Many flowers some of which are blooming like our day lilies and marigolds which reseeded in the garden without my help. New yellow hibiscus to go with the lovely red ones we've had going for a few years. Zinnia will be blooming in the next couple of weeks we hope, coneflowers, peace lily bloom is fattening up, and more day lilies up from last year's seed to see what happens. Herbs are going gangbusters as well, though cilantro is just about shot its veggie wad to get graphic! New to the herb bed is dill, can't wait to see how that fares. Parsley didn't come up from seed so last year's moved from planter to garden will hopefully suffice. Oregano and basil is rock&rolling here!!

Good luck to all the bare growers, and don't forego the sunscreen! Get it all over and up the middle good, hee hee!

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RE:Hows your nude gardening progressing?

Have had lots of rain here this year. Everything is doing ok, but not as good as last year, already lost a squash plant to vine bores. The green beans have been the biggest issue. I think cut worms got several of them I would go out and there would be another one dead laying on the ground. I tried Pirate Jack's neem oil mixture hopefully that will help. This will be the third time I have planted them this year. Have not been able to be nude gardening yet other than when started a few in the shop. The green beans usually provide a pretty good bit of cover they are pole beans. I also planted sun flowers and hoping they will provide some cover. Still loving the outdoor shower after working in the garden.

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RE:Hows your nude gardening progressing?

Have had lots of rain here this year. Everything is doing ok, but not as good as last year, already lost a squash plant to vine bores. The green beans have been the biggest issue. I think cut worms got several of them I would go out and there would be another one dead laying on the ground. I tried Pirate Jack's neem oil mixture hopefully that will help. This will be the third time I have planted them this year. Have not been able to be nude gardening yet other than when started a few in the shop. The green beans usually provide a pretty good bit of cover they are pole beans. I also planted sun flowers and hoping they will provide some cover. Still loving the outdoor shower after working in the garden.
Do you also plant pole lima beans. They are very difficult to find.

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RE:Hows your nude gardening progressing?

our garden is a mixed bag of results. Potatoes are doing well though almost done, we have had freshy dug ones for meals already. Corn is putting on ears and will be ready soon. Squash are starting to bloom although some got too much standing water during the 5 inches of rain one week then 2.5 in a couple of hours a week later. Okra is loving this hot weather lately though not producing yet. We were away during that 5 inch week and Bill is fighting the weeds daily, nude of course, and I join him when I can. Farmers are having a hard time getting peanuts and cotton panted with all of the rain we are getting.

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