
In my twenties I got a tattoo on my right thigh and decided that I would like to fill in that part of my body over time but quit by 50. Well, I'm 50 and that space is full. I do have other tattoos on my deltoids, left ankle, chest but I'm trying to decide if I should shut it down or keep enjoying it. I have a handful of ideas I'd still like to explore and an artist I like to work with but I'm coming up rapidly on 51 which was when I told myself I would shut it down. Plus it's $$$! Most recently got some new work in early May. Did anyone ever set up a personal rule for themselves about their body and their tattoos and then break it,? Glad you did? Disappointed?

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I made a rule to only get one. And I got mine eight years ago and have not broken that rule. Yet lol.

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