
I got busted last night. I was nude, as normal, all day yesterday as I did chores inside and outside. I had my garage door open as that is also the norm for me when I'm at home going in and out on a regular basis. Well, I had been inside talking to my wife and decided to return outside. As I go to the door, opened it and took a step into my garage, I was shocked to see one of my neighbors standing there. I imagine I looked like a deer caught in some headlights as it completely shocked me (probably her too!). I backed back inside and ducked behind the door to speak to her and told her I would be right back. I donned a pair of shorts and returned to the garage to speak to her. We never mentioned what had just occurred as she explained that she had come over to ask me if I would be willing to teach her daughter how to shoot her handgun. She said she knew I frequently shot guns and figured I had a shooting range or some targets in my yard that would be safe for her daughter to use. I welcomed the opportunity to help her and told her I would be glad to help her daughter. The lady then mentioned that it had been a long time since she had shot her pistol so she would also like to come over and refresh her shooting skills. I told her it would be completely alright. I told her just to let me know when and she acknowledged that she already had my phone number so she would call when they were available.

Ironically, this same neighbor caught me in the yard naked a few years ago, but she didn't see anything. I had walked out into the yard on the side of my house. I had done so while no traffic was passing by and no one was outside in their yards. As I was standing behind one of my vehicles, waiting for traffic to pass by, a car slowed down and pulled in my driveway. I didn't think much about it and figured they were just turning around because I didn't recognize the car and we seldom have visitors. As I stood there waiting for them to back up, I was shocked as the car continued up my driveway. When it stopped, I recognized the lady as a neighbor and she questioned me concerning purchasing one of my cars which had been stationary for a while. She began to walk towards me as she was talking and I interrupted her and said "I know this may sound like a strange question, but are you okay with nudism and okay seeing a nude man?" She stopped and said, "Ah, are you naked?" I said "yes ma'am". She said "naw, that's alright, I'm good" and stopped her forward progress. I was standing on one side of my pickup truck looking across the truck bed and talking to her so the only thing she could tell was that I wasn't wearing a shirt until I told her I was naked. We continued our conversation and she left without commenting about me being naked in the yard.

Considering she lives across the road and we can see each other's houses, she may have seen me naked before but if so, I don't know about it. I guess now she knows for sure that I am nude sometimes in my garage and yard. I just hope she keeps it to herself and doesn't spread the news. I've already had my god-sister tell me one time that one of her friends told her that I be in the yard without a shirt. Even that is a subject of conversation within my traditional and religious family.

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Nice share. I can relate to a lot of it. Except the getting caught part. Good luck with her not sharing the information about you being a nudist to other neighbors.

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I got busted last night. I was nude, as normal, all day yesterday as I did chores inside and outside. I had my garage door open as that is also the norm for me when I'm at home going in and out on a regular basis. Well, I had been inside talking to my wife and decided to return outside. As I go to the door, opened it and took a step into my garage, I was shocked to see one of my neighbors standing there. I imagine I looked like a deer caught in some headlights as it completely shocked me (probably her too!). I backed back inside and ducked behind the door to speak to her and told her I would be right back. I donned a pair of shorts and returned to the garage to speak to her. We never mentioned what had just occurred as she explained that she had come over to ask me if I would be willing to teach her daughter how to shoot her handgun. She said she knew I frequently shot guns and figured I had a shooting range or some targets in my yard that would be safe for her daughter to use. I welcomed the opportunity to help her and told her I would be glad to help her daughter. The lady then mentioned that it had been a long time since she had shot her pistol so she would also like to come over and refresh her shooting skills. I told her it would be completely alright. I told her just to let me know when and she acknowledged that she already had my phone number so she would call when they were available.Ironically, this same neighbor caught me in the yard naked a few years ago, but she didn't see anything. I had walked out into the yard on the side of my house. I had done so while no traffic was passing by and no one was outside in their yards. As I was standing behind one of my vehicles, waiting for traffic to pass by, a car slowed down and pulled in my driveway. I didn't think much about it and figured they were just turning around because I didn't recognize the car and we seldom have visitors. As I stood there waiting for them to back up, I was shocked as the car continued up my driveway. When it stopped, I recognized the lady as a neighbor and she questioned me concerning purchasing one of my cars which had been stationary for a while. She began to walk towards me as she was talking and I interrupted her and said "I know this may sound like a strange question, but are you okay with nudism and okay seeing a nude man?" She stopped and said, "Ah, are you naked?" I said "yes ma'am". She said "naw, that's alright, I'm good" and stopped her forward progress. I was standing on one side of my pickup truck looking across the truck bed and talking to her so the only thing she could tell was that I wasn't wearing a shirt until I told her I was naked. We continued our conversation and she left without commenting about me being naked in the yard.Considering she lives across the road and we can see each other's houses, she may have seen me naked before but if so, I don't know about it. I guess now she knows for sure that I am nude sometimes in my garage and yard. I just hope she keeps it to herself and doesn't spread the news. I've already had my god-sister tell me one time that one of her friends told her that I be in the yard without a shirt. Even that is a subject of conversation within my traditional and religious family.

So this is the lady who previously drove up and talked across the bed of your truck? She knew you were a nudist then, did she think you wouldnt be nude now?
And why was she in your garage, could t she find your front door? Its almost like she was hoping to catch you nude. I wouldnt have closed the door but stood and talked to her, after all, she was warned, its your property, and shes IN you garage. She would have gotten the fully Monty. And, and, she wants to bring her daughter over having this knowledge as well as to come with her!
You have done nothing wrong so why hide? Its your property that she willfully entered with the knowledge of your nudity. Never act as if youve done something wrong when nude on your own property or others will take it as if you are wrong and lewd. Then youve got problems.
She probably left your garage encounter disappointed that you we r inside and got textiled.
I hope your next encounter is better and that you update us. Stay nude, live free!!

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"... she explained that she had come over to ask me if I would be willing to teach her daughter how to shoot her handgun. "

What an oddly amusing comment! From someone (me) who lives in Europe where public nudity is neither illegal and quite common on beaches to hear from an American (presumably) where any nudity is almost universally not allowed yet gun ownership is common. It's just so bizarre.

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