Are there people in your life ?

Outside of your circle of nude friends, are there people in your life that you have spent more time nude than clothed with? The other day I met up with a guy who I used to get massages from every 4 weeks for many years. He got out of the business but we have stayed in touch and meet up a couple of times a year. He stopped by the other day and for various reasons I was clothed. But i realized that he and I had spent far more time together with me nude ( and undraped ) than with both of us clothed. He has soaked nude with me in my hot tub, so the nudity has not been strictly one sided.
Do you have anyone in your who has see you nude more than clothed?

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RE:Are there people in your life ?


With A number of massage clients, both paid and social, who appreciate that this is a clothing-optional space and get the message when I add to our directions: "You can open our gate. If you choose to arrive naked, wait for us to open it for you." (We aren't visible opening it from inside.) I will greet them and work naked. They'll see me clothed if I visit their place.

I used to pose frequently for art classes in our small community and met people through that work. Once at our temple I encountered one of the artists, and when the minister introduced us among a circle of people, she cheerfully asserted "I know you! I just didn't recognize you with your clothes on!" (That took a bit of subsequent explaining.)

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