Heat Wave

Here in Indiana we have been living under some kind of heat warning all week. High temps have been above 90F all week. Just listened to the local then national 7am news . Almost every news report is filled with tips on how to survive the heat. Tips are presented like none of us have ever endured a hot summer day. But I have yet to hear one of the most effective ways to stay cool . GET NAKED. I live nude in a home without AC and by closing it up during the day and opening it overnight i have stayed comfy. The only time I got uncomfortable was when I was on a Zoom call where i needed to have a shirt on . Just that layer of clothes for 1.5 hrs I was concious of my body temp rising. So strip off America and stay cool.

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RE:Heat Wave

Same scenario here temps have been high but the humidity is brutal.

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RE:Heat Wave

Here at camp (Solair) the heat wave has warmed the pool water to 90+, which has turned it into a great conversation pool. A bunch of us spent last night hanging out in the pool after a storm blew through.

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RE:Heat Wave

115 in Phoenix yesterday, pool is already at 90.

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RE:Heat Wave

Typical early summer temps in our valley and southern part of the state. Mid 90's this weekend but mid to high 80's all next week. Windows and blinds open, ceiling fans going but no A/C yet. Back to both napping without cover which is quite nice.

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RE:Heat Wave

Here in Indiana we have been living under some kind of heat warning all week. High temps have been above 90F all week. Just listened to the local then national 7am news . Almost every news report is filled with tips on how to survive the heat. Tips are presented like none of us have ever endured a hot summer day. But I have yet to hear one of the most effective ways to stay cool . GET NAKED. I live nude in a home without AC and by closing it up during the day and opening it overnight i have stayed comfy. The only time I got uncomfortable was when I was on a Zoom call where i needed to have a shirt on . Just that layer of clothes for 1.5 hrs I was concious of my body temp rising. So strip off America and stay cool.

Many anthropologist believe that humans started wearing clothing in response to global cooling and moving to cooler climates. Maybe global warming and moving to warmer climates will encourage us to stop wearing clothes.

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RE:Heat Wave

Here in Indiana we have been living under some kind of heat warning all week. High temps have been above 90F all week. Just listened to the local then national 7am news . Almost every news report is filled with tips on how to survive the heat. Tips are presented like none of us have ever endured a hot summer day. But I have yet to hear one of the most effective ways to stay cool . GET NAKED. I live nude in a home without AC and by closing it up during the day and opening it overnight i have stayed comfy. The only time I got uncomfortable was when I was on a Zoom call where i needed to have a shirt on . Just that layer of clothes for 1.5 hrs I was concious of my body temp rising. So strip off America and stay cool.

Many anthropologist believe that humans started wearing clothing in response to global cooling and moving to cooler climates. Maybe global warming and moving to warmer climates will encourage us to stop wearing clothes.

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RE:Heat Wave

Here in Indiana we have been living under some kind of heat warning all week. High temps have been above 90F all week. Just listened to the local then national 7am news . Almost every news report is filled with tips on how to survive the heat. Tips are presented like none of us have ever endured a hot summer day. But I have yet to hear one of the most effective ways to stay cool . GET NAKED. I live nude in a home without AC and by closing it up during the day and opening it overnight i have stayed comfy. The only time I got uncomfortable was when I was on a Zoom call where i needed to have a shirt on . Just that layer of clothes for 1.5 hrs I was concious of my body temp rising. So strip off America and stay cool.

Many anthropologist believe that humans started wearing clothing in response to global cooling and moving to cooler climates. Maybe global warming and moving to warmer climates will encourage us to stop wearing clothes.

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RE:Heat Wave

Here in Indiana we have been living under some kind of heat warning all week. High temps have been above 90F all week. Just listened to the local then national 7am news . Almost every news report is filled with tips on how to survive the heat. Tips are presented like none of us have ever endured a hot summer day. But I have yet to hear one of the most effective ways to stay cool . GET NAKED. I live nude in a home without AC and by closing it up during the day and opening it overnight i have stayed comfy. The only time I got uncomfortable was when I was on a Zoom call where i needed to have a shirt on . Just that layer of clothes for 1.5 hrs I was concious of my body temp rising. So strip off America and stay cool.

Maybe all anti-nudity laws should be suspended when the temperature exceeds 90F!

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RE:Heat Wave


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RE:Heat Wave

Well, I was wrong in my post and the weather person was wrong, as usual. It hit 100 today and supposed to be hotter tomorrow!

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