Handicapped nudist questions

I've always been interested in the nudist life style but always been hesitant to try and visit any places thay allow it because of some birth defects / medical conditions. I found due to ada they cannot discriminate due to them, but still fear would make others uncomfortable or be offensive so wanted ya'll's opinon before i look to much.

This may be tmi for some and if so i apologize but not sure how to explain other than to just bare it out there... sooo

I was born with multiple birth defects spinabifida ,which between it and botched spine surgery mostly use a wheelchair wheelchair, bowel issues which means i have a colostomy bag (i could keep covered with a wash cloth if need be), I'm also 100% in continent of urine so i wear diapers( one place i spoke to said it fine as long as I stayed in my wheel chair and kept diaper under me or extra towels and avoided pool and hot tubs. i also have surigical scars and genital defects such as micro penis.

Thats kinda it so idk how people would react.


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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

The resort has addressed the practicalities of your visit, it seems reasonably enough. Would people be offended? No. Nudists are a pretty accepting lot. Uncomfortable? Probably. Your particular disabilities are unusual and will be quite obvious naked. And although it's not really fair, it will be on you to deal with that discomfort. Either by pushing quickly to a conversation that's not about your disability, or by sharing your story. Your call. But do give it a try!

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

At the place where I have a membership there are many people with varying physical differences in diverse physical abilities and conditions. People dont interact with them through the lens of their bodies but through their personalities and personhood. Beyond the requirements you were given by the nudist venue I cant see a reason for your experience to be different.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Much appreciated.
Some i contacted in my younger days had some slightly rude responses so im cautious and wouldn't ever want to make anyone uncomfortable

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Much appreciated.Some i contacted in my younger days had some slightly rude responses so im cautious and wouldn't ever want to make anyone uncomfortable

That's pretty much the filtering method.

If they respond with a discussion of how to accommodate your needs, great.
If they respond rudely, it's a place to avoid.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

So true ! Thank you!

I've had a few non nudist be super grossed out by my colostomy especially. . Therefor when j got the responses that I did and that was an aspect they mentioned it made me especially cautious . I'm one that always try's to put others feelings, comfort and well being ahead of myself.
So I'm trying to truly make certain i take every precautions and know whats what first.

Any other tips or suggestions?

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Thank you.
Honestly i have no issues discussing other aspects of life and not focusing on it all.
But aa you said things are obvious and my concern is for the their comfort.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

One thing i wish is i could find local home nudists that would allow me to visit so not on such a large scale to see how that was first.
But doesnt seem like many in the area and being a single male adds its own complications

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Several years ago I encountered a man in an essentially identical situation. He attracted some extra attention because he was obviously different from the rest of us and people are naturally curious about unusual people or things. After satisfying their curiosity most people will treat you just like anyone else.

Some people have trouble dealing with such things as colostomy bags, but theyre necessary for some. (One of my twin stepdaughters just had a cancerous portion of her colon removed, and she will be dealing with a colostomy bag.) Dont let you fear that you might not be accepted, prevent you from enjoying yourself, its very unlikely.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Resorts discriminate.

As a single father, I've been denied entry to nudist resorts. Most do not do that outright, but have quotas in place or they make unreasonable legal requirements. For example, I was instructed to bring my kids' birth certificates and an affidavit from their mom allowing me to bring them, which totally disregarded the legal rights I have in our divorce agreements. Resorts may be careful not to outright ban you, but leave things open-ended so that you may or may not be admitted once you get there. Therefore, unless you live closeby, you may risk driving there in vain. I bring this up to you as a single male. As far as accomodating your physical needs, I don't have any knowledge. Good luck!

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Thank you.
Honestly im the type would prefer the curious flat out ask. I've learned to accept myself as i am. My only caution is trying to be respectful to others comfort, feelings, ect.
Thats why i thought say a wash cloth over the colostomy was a good idea. As they couldnt see much grossness that way.

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