RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Thank you. I actually check that aspect as well prior.
I've even looked at having a female friend who is open to the idea go along with to help that issue.
But the physical issues are main concern

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

At the beaches I go to it's never been a problem. There's been a couple of one leg/one arm guys. Guys with colostomy bags, various skin conditions, etc. And this is the great thing - it's a non judgemental place where people feel safe to be different. I remember a post on a non-nude forum about a guy who had suffered burns and was self conscious about his appearance. He wanted to go to a beach, but was not surprisingly hesitant to do so. Someone thoughtfully suggested a nude beach, which is what I was thinking all along as I read through the posts.
Resorts might be a different thing however, since they tend to be more conformist and image focused.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Thank you thats very reassuring

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

One last question (sorry ya'll) in regards to this.
Do you think a wash cloth covering my colostomy would be enough or i should i try and find more options for more coverage? I just dont wanna offend or gross anyone out. But wanna be as free as i can..

Also any recommendations of beaches or resorts within a couple hours of Gulfport ms?

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

One last question (sorry ya'll) in regards to this.Do you think a wash cloth covering my colostomy would be enough or i should i try and find more options for more coverage? I just dont wanna offend or gross anyone out. But wanna be as free as i can..Also any recommendations of beaches or resorts within a couple hours of Gulfport ms?

Sounds like a good idea. Sure cant hurt.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

One last question (sorry ya'll) in regards to this.Do you think a wash cloth covering my colostomy would be enough or i should i try and find more options for more coverage? I just dont wanna offend or gross anyone out. But wanna be as free as i can..

It would be good enough for me, but I can't speak for everybody.

Also any recommendations of beaches or resorts within a couple hours of Gulfport ms?

I can't speak to that at all. You might want to visit there while clothed and see what the vibe is there. And the resort owners will probably give you guidance there.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

I've actually reached to a few prior to taking a trip to see if would be an issue and most are accommodating or seem be. But unfortunately cant seem to find much locally.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Glad to hear you have a female escort if you're going to resort. As far as your colostomy and other particulars, here's how I see it as a man with non-divergent abilities (or whatever the appropriate term might be). 1) It's great to see a diverse group of visitors. 2) Are you able to navigate this place with the freedom you want? 3) Your poolside setup is different than mine and I hope it works 4) So what's a colostomy? (I understand but wouldn't know what to look for). Good luck!

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions


Colostomy is a pouch that attaches to addomin and stool goes into it. While some small portions may allow stool visible threw it. My belief is a wash cloth is enough to cover anything gross and its no difference than having a pouch.

The pool thing i figure i would just not get in unless i can find and get approved (for use)some type of adult swim diaper as to not leak urine in the water as id never disrespect anyone in that way.

I'd be content to be able to just be free outside even if i have to stay confined to my wheelchair or keep a diaper or something under me sitting else where otherwise.
But again don't know how well some of that may go over . I know i read on some resorts they make babies wear swim diapers when in the pool but didnt sound like they do else where. So maybe similar

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Just wanted to say thank you to those who have committed and reached out
Had some health stuff delay me in moving forward at all with planning such a trip as not much locally. But hoping to by end of summer still .

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